View Full Version : Show name option not working correctly

November 1st, 2020, 13:23
Ill add to this, on my system running 5E, Title does NOT work, Title hover does NOT work, only Tooltip works. (tested with no extentions).

Interestingly I have a character that wild shaped when I had Wild Shape extension loaded, and his title showed up as Lyrandis as a Tarag. Its the only one that worked. It still shows as that even though I have removed all extentions. Its the only name that still shows with Title selected.

This has just started happening after one of latest updates.

MODERATOR: Moved to new thread, since the original thread was a year old.

Moon Wizard
November 1st, 2020, 16:47
I have not seen this reported by any other users; and it is not showing up in any of my builds.

Please make sure that you have disabled ALL extensions; and try again.
Also, make sure that you do not have any rulesets unpacked into subfolders in the FG data rulesets folder.


November 2nd, 2020, 00:27
After some investigation i noticed it was one map.
i checked other maps, i checked if png or jpg made difference but found it was grid scale.

It is a large village map, and grid scale was 11. This is somehow related to the issue. Only when i increase it to 13 or above do the titles show up.
This is the attached map for info. Not my map but one I'm using in my campaign.