View Full Version : Looking to put a campaign together (weekends Eastern Time)

October 31st, 2020, 19:58
Looking to get a group that prefers story-driven, character-based games that include some combat and problem solving.
FGC or FGU (I have Ultimate versions of both).
Weekends (Eastern Time UTC-5)
I have mostly 53 material, but open to other systems.

November 1st, 2020, 02:39
Hello! My name is Dan, and I'd be interested if you still have an open slot. I'm available Friday evenings after 5pm (EST) or Sunday mornings. I've been playing D&D for 30 years and am proficient with Fantasy Grounds Classic, but I'm interested in trying Unity. I'm currently playing a dungeon crawl, so a story driven campaign sounds like a nice change of pace. I like to give my characters a voice and personality, and usually hold off on choosing a party role until everyone else has chosen, since I'm happy playing whatever role is needed most.

November 1st, 2020, 22:35
I would be up for a story driven campaign. I am looking for a mature group to play with, I first started playing 1E. Friday evenings, weekends are good for me. I am adaptable and can adjust my character to the group. (Eastern Time UTC-5)

November 2nd, 2020, 10:10
I'm game to play I'm on Central Time but can adjust. Played since 2e, and new to fantasy grounds. Interested in joing a group to play.

November 4th, 2020, 12:18
Thanks for the replies. I will PM you my Discord server to make it easier to chat.