View Full Version : Dynamics Lighting

October 29th, 2020, 18:47
Is there a plan to have the dynamic lighting be locked to the view your character is facing?

A Social Yeti
October 29th, 2020, 19:24
Is there a plan to have the dynamic lighting be locked to the view your character is facing?

The company generally will not answer such questions to the public. the only public facing offical "road map" of 'features" that i know of is what you can find at the kick starter basically.

Also just FYI, it's not dynamic lighting, it is dynamic line of sight. the system has no function for understanding lighting at present. To the best of my knowledge all toons in any RPG system, can see unlimited distance on unity LoS maps, regardless of racial vision abilities or current lighting conditions. Only obstructions limit vision range for line of sight.

October 29th, 2020, 19:34
Is there a plan to have the dynamic lighting be locked to the view your character is facing?

They haven't announced anything about their plans for dynamic lighting, just that it is on the list of features to look at after FGU is released. I imagine character facing will be something that they have to look at for certain rulesets, but when we'll learn more about their plans is anyone's guess.

November 4th, 2020, 00:20
Okay, so they have not said anything about it since it was released. Meanwhile, almost every other gaming system that has been released not only supports a dynamic line of sight, BUT they also support sight distance based on the character and lighting. Even though dynamic lighting was not promised, you might think that it is not a very difficult thing to do. They need to at least match the capabilities of the other major players out there. Dynamic lighting, in my opinion, is a large + the others have and FGU is missing. Right now, I have to use Dynamic LOS AND Masking to block sight that goes too far.

November 4th, 2020, 00:36
Okay, so they have not said anything about it since it was released. Meanwhile, almost every other gaming system that has been released not only supports a dynamic line of sight, BUT they also support sight distance based on the character and lighting. Even though dynamic lighting was not promised, you might think that it is not a very difficult thing to do. They need to at least match the capabilities of the other major players out there. Dynamic lighting, in my opinion, is a large + the others have and FGU is missing. Right now, I have to use Dynamic LOS AND Masking to block sight that goes too far.

FGU is not released (out of beta/early access I mean), but by the Kickstarter: Sooon, veryyy sooon :D (and it was often said that dynamic lighting is one of the first things for after release :) The biggest problems took a lot of time, but now they are mostly done and one already "feels" it because in the last patchs were more and more new things :) For me dynamic lighting is not the most important thing, but it will surely be in FGU at some point :) )

November 4th, 2020, 05:08
- https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?49351-FGU-Dynamic-Lighting-Support-for-Different-Types-of-Light-Sources
- https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?54578-Dynamic-light-and-torch
- https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?56110-No-Dynamic-Lighting-or-Vision-Checking
- https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?51939-LOS-with-Masking-and-sight-limits
- https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?60441-FGU-Line-of-Sight-question
- https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?42097-Seeking-Advice-for-Dynamic-LoS-for-FGU

November 4th, 2020, 10:33
From a user's point of view LoS - and by extend dynamic lighting - feel like the most important improvement of Unity over Classic. The network lobby surely is another big one, but only for those GMs who had troubles with port redirection.

People building their own maps surely like the new map-building features, but those of of GMs who buy licensed content don't get to see much of that (no map fx on those maps to be seen). Still this is a big new feature only possible in FGU.

From there the biggest promise of FGU is:

In addition to these features, we are now poised to add even greater functionality going forward. We have lots of ideas for new features and this rebuilt engine will make it easier for us reach those goals and deliver consistent updates for free.
FGU took years to come to fruition and still has to reach parity with Classic in some areas. LoS currently is my group's only incentive to switch and we are eagerly waiting for dynamic lighting. Proper spell template targeting is another feature we are hoping/waiting for, but that seems even more vaguely in the future.

Currently my biggest disappointment with FGU is that it still seems to be single-threaded and thus not making any good use of modern CPUs while I sit waiting for it to finish its thing. If dynamic lighting calculations are put on top of what's already cramped into a single CPU core/thread then performance will suffer.