View Full Version : Strange Dual Monitor Behavior

October 28th, 2020, 01:53
So I have a really strange bug to report: the refresh rate of my secondary monitor fluctuates when Fantasy Grounds is the active window and even a tiny bit of it touches the secondary monitor.

I'm running 2 27" 1440p 144hz ASUS GYSNC monitors with a RTX3080. Windows 10. Latest version of Fantasy Grounds, but I've noticed this the last two sessions, so I've tried a couple of versions with the same issue. Latest 456.71 GeForce drivers. It happens even before I load a campaign in FG (on the "front" menu with Load Campaign/Create Campaign, etc). It also happens if I'm in a campaign (I've only tried 5e with the Simple Brown theme and the FG Dark theme).

My GPU hovers around 40% utilization and CPU around 20%, neither ever really going above that.

The behaviors I'm seeing are like this: If I have FGU open and active and *only* on my primary monitor (so that no part of the window touches the secondary monitor) my primary monitor is at 144hz and my secondary is at 40hz (!!) and stays there. If I click another window so that FGU is *not* the active window but is still completely visible, both primary and secondary monitor are at 144hz.

If I move the FGU window so that even just 1 row of pixels (or more, up to the entire monitor) is visible on my secondary monitor *and* FGU is the active window, the primary monitor is at 144hz and the secondary monitor starts to fluctuate from around 40hz at the low end and up to 70-80hz at the high end, but at lot of the time it seems to be hitting between 58-61hz. It's constantly changing, like every second the monitor shows a new refresh rate. If the FGU window is partially (or fully) on my secondary monitor and it's *not* the active window then both monitors show 144hz.

It's not a performance thing, as I said above, in all of these cases my GPU and CPU are not stressed. It also happens no matter how little or how much of the FGU window is touching that second monitor. If I stretch it all the way across both monitors so that it takes up the full extent of both monitors it behaves the same as if it's stretched across the primary monitor and only a tiny bit touches the secondary monitor. If it's fully on the secondary monitor and doesn't touch the primary monitor the secondary monitor also fluctuates refresh rate.

It's really annoying because it manifests as a very irregular/random flickering on my secondary monitor, which is in my peripheral vision so it's like something keeps randomly moving over there just out of eyesight. If it's an experiment by the FGU devs to see if they can drive me crazy, it's doing a shockingly good job, give yourselves some kudos! :)

October 28th, 2020, 02:23
Get your monitor exorcised? Maybe it's possessed?

Are you running both monitors off direct connections to your graphics card? Are they both running off HDMI ports or? Are you using a USB dock of some sort? Does it duplicate if you switch which monitor is primary (display setting)? Does it duplicate if you switch cables?

October 28th, 2020, 03:29
Both are using Display Port cables. Both directly plugged into my PC (no KVM or anything of the like). It's always the secondary monitor, not the primary, in the display settings (if I switch it follows). But I just figured something out when I was testing that. If I turn off G-SYNC on my secondary monitor the problem goes away. So it seems to be something related to G-SYNC on two monitors? It *only* happens in FGU and it also only happens if FGU is the window that has focus.

Turning off G-SYNC on my secondary monitor is not a big deal though, since it's never actually used for games! So problem solved on my end. :)

October 28th, 2020, 04:00
Good job trouble shooting it. I wonder if it's an issue with Unity engine and G-Sync? Definitely something the devs would have to solve, if possible. If you are curious, and have another Unity platform game, you could try with that and see.

October 28th, 2020, 04:50
I've had the same issue with other games (including WoW) with g-sync on. I think its a gsync issue, and I don't use or need gsync w/ 144hz refresh anyway. There are some fiddling settings that makes it better but gsync has been problematic for me when using multiple screens or running games in windowed mode (such as fgu)

November 1st, 2020, 00:31
Display changed to run at system frame rate by default (defined by OS and monitor settings).

The most recent update fixed my issue! I'm assuming it was this but who knows?