View Full Version : LFP Need 2 More for PF2 homebrew campaign, Sundays's 7:30pm EST

October 26th, 2020, 00:17
FG License: Ultimate (I have most of the books)
Pathfinder 2 Homebrew setting
Long Term Campaign (estimated level 2 to 12ish, we can cut it shorter or make it longer)
Sundays 7:30PM to 1030PM EST
Time zone: Eastern
Client: FGU
Frequency: Weekly
Start Date: Sunday Nov 1 (Session 0)
Voice using discord (Decent mic and push to talk required)
Roleplay and Combat: Varies by session. You can expect full dungeon delve session as well as social encounters that last a session and everything in between.
Players needed: 2 (I currently have a group of three, we just wrapped up our previous campaign)
Starting level and equipment: lvl 2 standard equipment and 20GP, standard character creation
Character restrictions: Races from Core Rule Book and the Advanced Players Guide

I have been DM'ing for roughly 1.5 years now. I currenlty DM a 5e game and a PF2 game. It is something that I enjoy immensely and am dedicated to. I take time to try and create a rich world for you to explore and develop your characters in.


The world of Nareede has known relative peace for the past three decades. Through the combined efforts of the major nation’s peace has been brokered, borders have been opened and times for most are prosperous. The more chaotic nations have become reclusive, closing their borders and keeping to themselves to not draw attention to their nefarious ideologies.
That was until recently. Around the realms reports of arcane conflagrations creating holes to other planes which result in devastating storms. These storms bring with them vile creatures, evil abominations, and extraplanar beings looking to capitalize on the chaos have made a return to the world. Many cities are unprepared. Nations are struggling to find the bodies and expertise required to bring down the creatures that erupt forth from the storms. Trade is becoming more difficult and expensive, villages and small cities being abandoned.

Until recently most nations were relying on their slowly dwindling armies and levies to keep the roads safe and the smaller cities secured. A group of famed retired adventurers by the name of The Gilded Hand have decided to use their immense wealth to form The Gilded Hand Society which all manner of people, and creature into their ranks. The Gilded Hand Society accepts contracts from Nations, Cities, Villages, and even individual people for a fee, and in return they select members from among their ranks who have the abilities best suited for the contract in return for a cut of the pay out and a cut of loot generated from the contract.

This is your Third contract. Completing this last contract will see you rise in the rank of The Gilded Hand Society offering you a chance a better pay, contracts, and the right to select your own contracts.

[Classes/Races] All classes and races of Core Rule Book and APG.

[The setting] This is a home brew world in the making. Players can contribute to the word and flesh it out. Did you just discover a long-lost temple that’s name has been lost to time? Give it a name and make it a permanent fixture. Want to come from a guild as part of your backstory? Name the guild if you like. The world is ours to sculpt collaboratively.

[RP] It is expected that players will maintain some semblance of maturity and work with the party within reason. Feel free to explore your character as we work in your background, have fun with it but work to create an inclusive scenario that we can all partake in.


Things to be cool with
-Homebrew that may not be perfectly balanced. I am always willing to work with the players to work out any discrepancies.
-A GM that prioritizes story and the rule of cool most of the time
-Few guideposts. I will create the setting to get the party working together but after those initial interactions the world is yours. The "Master plot" will have hooks out, but it is up to the party to bite. Follow the hooks for as long as you like, set your own goals and diverge as you see fit. Want to learn about a thing? Figure it out. Want to locate that lost unnamed temple? Figure it out. Any thing is possible. Want to help the BBEG in the master plot instead of working against him? Go ask if he wants to be friends.
-Intrigue, grit and gore. The world can be a dangerous and violent place that contains adult themes. The depth of these themes will be discussed during session 0.
-Being a team. It is much easier on all of us if the players take cooperative approaches instead of being at odds and constantly diverging or just doing their own thing. Losing time about how to handle a situation or what to do next is no fun. Follow the leader, put in to a vote, put your collective heads together and work threw the situation amicably.

Read the instruction in the application carefully. You are welcome to respond to the thread or in a PM.
Sessions will be every Sunday at 7:30pm EST and run for roughly 3 hours.

Please answer the following questions to the best of your ability. If you are new to PF2 that is perfectly fine if you are willing to learn and participate.

Preferred name (can be an alias or your character name):
Time Zone:

- Tell me a bit about your role playing experience, provide one good experience and one bad experience you have had.
- Describe what you enjoy most about Tabletop RPG’s or what you look forward to most when you play.
- Describe any type of character concept you have in mind.
- Have you had a poor GM? What did they do that made them a poor GM?
- How do you/would you handle a disagreement with the GM regarding a ruling?
- How much experience do you have with PF2e?
- Are you experienced in any other systems?

Thank you for your time and consideration. Should you have any questions feel free to PM me.

October 26th, 2020, 00:23
I am interested if you have a slot available

October 26th, 2020, 15:12
Hey there i would like to apply to your campaign, my name is Humnhapymeal (Human happy meal), I've been DMing since 9/2018 and playing since about a few months before that. A forewarning that i am a chaotic player, i like to make things happen at the table (no drama just in game shenanigans)

As far as my experience's in TTRPs go, its been mainly positive, I have been part of super RP heavy groups that can take a full 6 hour session just discussing backstory and plot, and I've been in dungeon crawls and super combat heavy groups. I prefer RP to combat however.

I have had poor GM's and awesome GM's. Worst GM i had decided that after i had decided to swap characters temporarily, (Kobold, eldritch knight, celestial warlock multiclass) he decided that he would remove all the warlock levels (a story point about this character fighting against his evil heritage and starting to worship bahamut).

All rules delegation goes to the DM, i might throw something back if think the rule is unfair, but i want my character to stay alive so i might be a tad bit biased lol. any further discussion can be had after session.
I have been DMing pathfinder 2E since 11/2019, i think as soon as the FG modules were released. I am also experienced in D&D 5e (DM, and play), Mutants and masterminds (played a few sessions), Pokémon tabletop united (played in a 6 month campaign), Shadowrun 5e (played in for a few months, in 2018)

As far as character concepts go, i would like to know what the party needs, if the party needs a secondary healer, i can play a warpriest, if they need a rouge, i can do that. I have a few character ideas that i can toss around