View Full Version : Zuilin's Speed (sorta) for 5E FGU

October 23rd, 2020, 23:22
Show Token Speed (sorta) as a Colored Underlay on the Map!

Find it on the DM's guild here: https://www.dmsguild.com/product/333242/Zuilins-Speed-sorta-for-5E-FGU

This extension simply shows the hovered-over token's speed as a square radius, faction-colored underlay. It's not intended to do anything else. Some players find this functionality helpful.

Use it to:

1. See how far a PC or NPC could do a standard speed move if unobstructed.

2. See how far a PC or NPC could dash if unobstructed.

Works as a nice companion to FGU token locking and GM approved movement. The radius is square (diagonals are considered the same as horizontal/vertical movement length) and does not take LOS walls or other obstructions into account. It's simply an indicator of speed as a square radius.

Each player (or GM) may enable/disable the underlay as they see fit.


October 23rd, 2020, 23:23

September 14th, 2022, 15:29
I have used this ext for a while and enjoyed it. But about two months ago, after a FG update, I started getting error messages about a deprecated call to UtiityManager.isClientFGU whenever I opened a map with tokens or when I added an encounter to a running battlemap or when I added the group using the green helmet... As I have a pooload of extensions, it tomk me quite a while to whiff it out, but if I disable this ext the error disappears, and if I enable it, it reappears - Even in a new table with 5e and only this ext active, it happens...
€dit: in case you're wondering, I picked up the latest version 1.4 from DMsG

October 5th, 2022, 22:26
Looks like this is dead... ?

October 21st, 2022, 20:01
instructions on how to fix this error.

*find the extension zspeed5EFGU.ext (it also might be named 470730-ZSpeed5EFGU.ext)
It mostly can be found in C:\Users\[UserName]\AppData\Roaming\Fantasy Grounds\extensions

*rename your extension 470730-ZSpeed5EFGU.ext to 470730-ZSpeed5EFGU.zip

*copy the file zspeed.lua from scripts folder in the zip file to your document folder.

*open the copy of zspeed.lua (in your document folder) in a text editor like notepad or notepadd++

*delete line 66 ->
if UtilityManager.isClientFGU() then

*delete lines 70 to 74 ->
cFriendColor = "00FF00";
cFoeColor = "FF0000";
cNeutralColor = "FFFF00";

*save the copy.

*copy zspeed.lua from your document folder to the scripts directory in your zip folder(of 470730-ZSpeed5EFGU.zip)
you will be overwritting the old file.

*rename 470730-ZSpeed5EFGU.zip to 470730-ZSpeed5EFGU.ext