View Full Version : Loking for 1 player for Tomb of Annihilation (dnd 5e)

October 23rd, 2020, 23:03
Loking for 1 player for Tomb of Annihilation (dnd 5e)
FG License: i have ultimate license (Unity).
Game System: 5e.

Time Zone: CET
Day of week and time: saturday, 12.00 a clock
Planned start date: Alredy started
Planned Duration & Frequency: every Saturday(I know that somtimes people got other tings to do and i understant that as long it is not every Saturday). Planned Duration: Abut 8-9 hours but i am open for discussion
Term: At hopefully until we are finhised with the modual

Text or Voice: voice i really do not like text.
Voice software used: Discord.
Will this be recorded and/or live streamed?: No.

Roleplay & Combat mix: i would say a bit more combat than roleplay.
Number of Players in game & needed: i am looking for 4 players. curently 3/4
Character starting level & equipment: level 4 with standart equipment.
Character restrictions: my restrictions are simple if it is in the Forgotten Realms(Main source books) than it is not problem. if it is from another source book, unearthed arcana, or homebrew, Talk to me. There is also som feats i do not allow.

And my sales pitch for the adventure. The dead can not be resurected and undead are wasting away. you most travel to the pensula of chult to stop this strange pehnomen somerewere deep in its jungle is the source of this, but beware the jungels of chult are filled with dangers from dinosaures to undead to worse.. Tomb of Annihilation is a hard modual so you got tu use your wits and luck to the best of your abilty

We have alredy stardet playing the modual but one of our players had to sadly leav. We have played a few sessions off the modual but we are still early on in it.

Has for me has a DM. I have been DMing for soon two year. I am a beginner DM when it comes to Fantasy Grounds unity but have played my fair bit of classic.

If there is any question's do not esitate to send a mesege and i will answer as quickely as i can, i promise.

The game is now full

October 26th, 2020, 17:15

October 28th, 2020, 18:10

October 28th, 2020, 20:56
Hi there, I’m UK based and might be interested. Are you still looking for a new player? Please let me know. Is there a specific role you need covering? I was thinking Paladin or Cleric is that’s ok.