View Full Version : Can't find/load SCAG content in FGU

October 21st, 2020, 22:41
I have just realized that I can't locate any player content from the scag in my games. When I check the loaded modules I see "Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide" and "Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide - Maps" are both loaded. I looked on the forums and found that in the past, there was a SCAG palyer's module that you had to load, however, this does not show up in my list of available modules to load. Out of curiosity, I booted up OG Fantasy Grounds and let it fully update (took a while), and started a new campaign. I checked the modules there and found the same two as FGU and also confirmed that I could not access any of the player options for class/race/background/etc. Am I missing something? Was there a change to the SCAG formatting at some point?

October 22nd, 2020, 01:38

There are indeed 3 modules that come as part of SCAG. All the player info will be in the 'Player' one. Do a search/filter for 'sword' and see if you get these 3 modules in your module activation window;

October 22nd, 2020, 18:21
Thank you for your quick response. I did find that in my OG fantasy grounds the players version was there, I was missing it because the picture was different than the normal SCAG cover and on my 48inch 4k screen I can't see the text well, so I don't bother reading it normally. It was still missing from my Unity build, but I unistalled/deleted everything and started over and it was there, after the reinstall, still using the different picture so I likely would have missed it again.