View Full Version : Modifing the Combat Tracker Frames

October 15th, 2020, 22:58
I am trying to modify the frame_ctbox_host_header_toggles of the CoreRPG Combat Track (ct_host.xml) via layering.
I want to make it a bit wider:

<anchored to="headeranchor" height="35" width="120"/>

But this doestnot modify the existing frame, it draws a new one over the existing toggles.
Even <frame_ctbox_host_header_toggles merge="delete"/> seems to do nothing.

How can I modify this frame?

Moon Wizard
October 15th, 2020, 23:25
Only controls with name attributes can be overriden.


October 16th, 2020, 08:49
Hmm ok.
Why are there so many unnamed controls in CoreRPG, doenst this defeat the purpose of being a base layer which can be modified?

I tried to to build a new/addiitonal frame below the toggles with

<frame_ctbox_host_header_toggles name="test" insertbefore="X" >
<anchored to="headeranchor" height="35" width="120"/>

with X being different control names, the new frame is always drawn above the controls of the base windowclass.
Am I understanding insertbefore wrong?

Moon Wizard
October 16th, 2020, 14:34
When the layers were originally built, I don’t believe there was merge of window classes; you just replaced the window class wholesale.

Insertbefore should insert in the display order before the named control specified. You might double check the original ordering.

If still having an issue, create a simple extension that just replaces the frame in CoreRPG and post it here.


October 16th, 2020, 20:54
Here is the extension. It should draw a larger frame below the global toggles.

Moon Wizard
October 18th, 2020, 03:03
Thanks for the simplified example. It helped me narrow down the issue fairly quickly. The issue is that the "display" component of a new control is always appended on the end; even though all the internal ordering and mouse click ordering was correct. This only affects FGU; and I'll push a fix in the next release build.
