View Full Version : How to forge a weapon that deals damage to its wielder?

October 11th, 2020, 19:31
I was running a 5E game in person when COVID hit. As many players moved to other cities, we brought our game to Fantasy Grounds.
One of my players had a "Toothbiter" sword (found on Pinterest), which grants adv on disarming attacks, although punishes the wielder by smacking its face (1d4 bludg) if it rolls 1 or 2.
I think the idea of the item is very funny and I would love to create it on FG, but I've been struggling for a couple weeks already...
Is it possible to automate that effect?

Moon Wizard
October 11th, 2020, 21:36
There is no way to automate that ability. You could add an alternate weapon or power entry to the PC that they can apply when it happens.


October 12th, 2020, 00:09
If you think about it when you roll the attack role it does not cause damage you hit a separate action for the damage part. So you would have the player roll then when they rolled a 1 or a 2 they would need to target themselves and hit the toothbiter damage button.

Now if you want to go all in you could make a custom fumble table for your group as well. :)