View Full Version : Savage Ghostbusters! updated for SWADE

October 10th, 2020, 20:35
Some of you may have found the PDFs for Savage Ghostbusters that are still available on the creators website (https://greywolf.critter.net/ghostbusters.htm). I have been teaching myself, with massive support and help from this community, to import information into FG to be exported as a module. I recently finished a playable set of modules for Savage Ghostbusters! They don't have the inline art added yet, so they aren't as pretty, however with the support of Doswelk and the gracious support and permission from the creator, Jordan "Greywolf" Pea****, I am releasing the files so everyone can enjoy them! They have been converted for use in SWADE but may need further tweaks. We can discuss it here in this thread. I imported them using Ikael's tools, thanks Ikael! They were built in Fantasy Grounds Classic and should work in Classic or Unity. Enjoy!

26 Oct 2020 EDIT: GM Guide is updated to be inline with the PDF. A Case File and NPC has been added. Player's Guide punctuation errors fixed.
20 Oct 2020 EDIT: Jordan "Greywolf" Pea**** is converting the PDFs for use in SWADE. I will be modifying the modules to match the info in the PDFs with just some slight differences in layout and game play mechanics for ease of use in Fantasy Grounds.

October 10th, 2020, 20:35
I have finished tweaking the Pregenerated Characters. Some came through it relatively unchanged, others have more modifications. Feedback would be greatly appreciated!

The characters were built with a pool of 15 skill points available. There is 1 spirit animal, and 8 humans from various walks of life. There are backstories and helpful hints added to the Notes tab that I tried to keep as close to the original PDF, but because of changes made to SWADE from previous versions of Savage Worlds (i.e. no Charisma, no Guts skill, Streetwise is now an edge), there are differences.

EDIT: 10/18/20 Previous tweak to bonuses for Suzi Quayle were improperly applied, they have been fixed.

October 11th, 2020, 19:01
Can't see where the attached files are, um, attached to be downloaded from ...

October 12th, 2020, 00:01
A reminder to all: You must be logged in to the Fantasy Grounds forums and it is best viewed on desktop mode to grab the files!

Had an error with the bonuses granted by the Very Attractive edge for Suzi Quayle. The error has been fixed.

October 13th, 2020, 09:11
Running a free session during the free Hollerween Online Event.


October 13th, 2020, 22:40
The Distracting edge was realized to be redundant, and changes were made to the Cheerleading edge. Anytime I make changes I will remove the old .mod file and upload the most recent .mod file to the first post, and mention changes in a follow up post.

If anyone sees anything they think should be changed, throw a post in this thread and lets discuss it! Any and all criticisms are welcome!

October 13th, 2020, 23:10
This Friday, October 16th, at 9pm Eastern (UTC -4) I am running a Savage Ghostbusters session on my Discord. Come help me test the setting!

And then on Saturday, October 17th, at 8pm Eastern (UTC -4) I am running the same mission in the FREE Fantasy Grounds College Spooktober event! Register and signup on the FGC website:

October 18th, 2020, 07:18
Jordan "Greywolf" Pea**** is revising his PDF files to update the setting for SWADE. I will make changes to the module to reflect his update soon! You can get copies of his PDFs on his website:


October 20th, 2020, 07:36
The Player's Guide has been modified to reflect changes to the updated SWADE PDFs. Grab a fresh copy from the first post!

October 22nd, 2020, 22:17
Fixed some hyperlinking errors in the Player's Guide. Thanks Doswelk for showing me how to fix those!

Fixed some grammatical errors in the Archetypes backstories.

October 23rd, 2020, 17:55
Is it Psychomagnatheric or Psychomagnotheric? I noticed the PMT Slime Tank has Psychomagnotheric, but it's psychomagnatheric everywhere else... or at last that I've read so far.

October 25th, 2020, 19:10
Yes to both, depending on the fan site one browses on the internet. I thought I changed them to all the same spelling. You might want to grab the most recent copy of the Player's Guide. It's now been updated to SWADE by the original creator so I believe it is a better conversion to SWADE than the one I originally posted. It can be found in the #1 post in this thread. The creator is working on updating the GM Guide to SWADE and there is some talk about an expanded Case Files module and more equipment. If you would like to try the setting as a player, I am running a free session in the upcoming Savage Worlds Official Event Hollerween Friday Oct 30th at 8pm Mountain (UTC -6). https://tabletop.events/conventions/savage-worlds-official-event-hollerween/schedule/38

October 26th, 2020, 08:51
GM Guide has been updated with wording to keep it inline with the PDF. A new Case File and accompanying NPC has been added. Attachment on post #1 have been updated. Stay tuned for more updates to the GM Guide. I just wanted to get it released in time for any sessions on or around Halloween.

October 26th, 2020, 10:27
Realized the import tools have been dropping ampersands, so I replaced them with the word "and". Grab fresh copies of the two guide books in post #1, and pay your respects to the lost &s out there without a home...

October 27th, 2020, 03:11
I won't be able to make it this Friday, but thank you for the invite. I've not actually played the Savage World system yet, so I am open for other playtests you may hold in the future. I've read a lot of the rules, just not actually played it. I'm very interested in learning the system.

October 27th, 2020, 08:15
I run a Savage Friday session every Friday at 9pm Eastern (currently UTC -4, but that changes in about week to UTC -5). This week it will be during the Hollerween event but then it will be back to hosting it on my Discord. Jump into my Discord server, The Barking Spider. I always advertise there for games regardless of where they might be hosted.
