View Full Version : Bug - New Pointers

October 9th, 2020, 23:53
The new pointers look nice.

Only thing is, I can not add more than 4 pointers. The fifth pointer, regardless of type glitches when I try and draw it.

Should add - no extensions loaded when this was tried and it can be repeated every time.

October 11th, 2020, 04:26
I am seeing a similar thing.
Errors when GM draws a second pointer on a map. Screen shot attached.

Error log details are,

[10/11/2020 2:23:28 PM] [<color="red">ERROR</color>] MOUSE UPDATE: System.NullReferenceException
at (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.Component.get_gameObject(UnityEngine.C omponent)
at FG.CompImageLayer.JIPFINMBNOG () [0x0000e] in <f39ac0718fe54e3cbec67d34baf3c124>:0
at FG.CompImagePointerLayer.OBEPGPGCHEJ (UnityEngine.Vector2 MJAIAMFOOCH, UnityEngine.Vector2 LCEAKEGKHOO) [0x00000] in <f39ac0718fe54e3cbec67d34baf3c124>:0
at FG.CompImagePointerLayer.UpdatePointer () [0x00012] in <f39ac0718fe54e3cbec67d34baf3c124>:0
at FG.CompImagePointerLayer.ReceiveDrag (UnityEngine.Vector2 MJAIAMFOOCH, UnityEngine.Vector2 OIBLDFBFBJA) [0x000be] in <f39ac0718fe54e3cbec67d34baf3c124>:0
at FMPJEDNFKON.OnDrag (UnityEngine.Vector2 PEADALJAENB, UnityEngine.Vector2 ELNFFLFEHJG) [0x002d4] in <f39ac0718fe54e3cbec67d34baf3c124>:0
at AEKKJAPPMPK.LKLPCJGABAH (UnityEngine.Vector2 DFPPPMAFBHB, UnityEngine.Vector2 BBLPAPFHBBE) [0x0006f] in <f39ac0718fe54e3cbec67d34baf3c124>:0
at KGNOOCIONDH.ReceiveDrag (UnityEngine.Vector2 DFPPPMAFBHB, UnityEngine.Vector2 BBLPAPFHBBE) [0x0001b] in <f39ac0718fe54e3cbec67d34baf3c124>:0
at LEECPKFJIAJ.OCJGHGDEEHB (UnityEngine.Vector2 NMBNHHKIIGF) [0x00023] in <f39ac0718fe54e3cbec67d34baf3c124>:0
at LEECPKFJIAJ.OCJGHGDEEHB () [0x0000e] in <f39ac0718fe54e3cbec67d34baf3c124>:0
at LEECPKFJIAJ.CLGFEEHEDAB () [0x00037] in <f39ac0718fe54e3cbec67d34baf3c124>:0
at FG.FGDesktop.OPILCLOHJGM () [0x00027] in <f39ac0718fe54e3cbec67d34baf3c124>:0
at FG.FGDesktop.Update () [0x0004e] in <f39ac0718fe54e3cbec67d34baf3c124>:0


October 11th, 2020, 14:12
Added here as it relates to pointers and search didnt reveal it listed.

What gives with the super thick pointer line thickness. FGU has gone from 0.5mm to 2mm. Is there a way to manually change it. My personal preference is much less invasive to current version.

Update: 5E, straight FGU no extensions.


October 11th, 2020, 15:24
More details from testing pointers.
As DM I am able to create 1 pointer. If I try to create another, all I get is the initial white dot.
If I add a character token from the CT to the map, I am then able to add a 2nd pointer.
Each player token added to the map allows me to add 1 more pointer.
If I remove a character token, one of the pointers disappears. If I add the token back the pointer re-appears.

October 11th, 2020, 20:37
Update: After restarting FGU and updating to 2020-10-08 build, I can't reproduce the crash problem.
(problem previously occurred with a build from around the date 2020-09-27)

Unrelated request: It would be good to be able to draw a rectangle pointer as well as a square (or drag square shape into a rectangle shape).

October 11th, 2020, 23:24
Unrelated request: It would be good to be able to draw a rectangle pointer as well as a square (or drag square shape into a rectangle shape).
CTRL left-right mouse gives you a Circle
SHIFT left-right mouse gives you a Square
ALT left-right mouse gives you a cone

October 11th, 2020, 23:30
CTRL left-right mouse gives you a Circle
SHIFT left-right mouse gives you a Square
ALT left-right mouse gives you a cone

I think the request was especially about to be able to do all possible rectangles (so, the focus in the request is especially on unequal side lengths :) )

October 11th, 2020, 23:31
CTRL left-right mouse gives you a Circle
SHIFT left-right mouse gives you a Square
ALT left-right mouse gives you a cone

Yes, creating a Circle, Square and Cone is easy (when it doesn't crash).
But I was suggesting a rectangle would also be useful. i.e. a square where the lengths of the adjacent sides aren't equal.

Yes I could draw many small squares next to each other to make a rectangle (when it doesn't crash). But just having a native rectangle would be nice.

October 11th, 2020, 23:36
Duh, yea. Sorry, missed that :)

October 11th, 2020, 23:40
FGU has gone from 0.5mm to 2mm

I thought this was OK. It makes the pointers easier to select later on (to resize, move, rotate & delete). But I am running a on a large high res monitor. Monitor DPI issues make this hard to get right for all systems.

October 12th, 2020, 02:36
A changeable value in the options would be better, that way you can change to suit your specific monitors.
I also have a large tv gaming table we do face to face on and I use FGU as a map. I don't really need extra thick lines on that, would be good to just change a value when you want.