View Full Version : Place images above the mask layer

October 6th, 2020, 13:16

I am wondering if something is possible or not. I have tried many things but just can't make it work.

Is it possible to place images above the Mask layer in FGU?

My goal is to achieve this result (player view):


By defining an image layer above the mask layer (dm view):


The idea is for the players to know countries localizations without knowing everythings that's inside these.

I'm guessing it is not possible but I figured I might ask if I am missing something?

Many thanks in advance for those who might clear things up for me here :)

October 6th, 2020, 18:39
I don't know if I would recommend this method, but drawings and shortcuts do draw over masks. You could draw the lines and use shared pins for the locations. The biggest risk being that, if you or your players frequently use the drawings, you are likely to accidentally delete or erase the lines.


October 7th, 2020, 11:01
Thanks, this sure is a decent workaround since they dont often use drawings and prefer markers on the workd map ! :)

Yet I was hopping for a more "clean" solution where I could display in and out an image layer where I'd put more effort into details.


Hope it somehow comes in as a feature at some point.

Thanks again anyway, have a great day!