View Full Version : Help me with Fantasy Grounds Unity class project please!

October 6th, 2020, 04:55
Hello all! I have been busy learning the ins and outs of FGU as a new DM during quarantine. It has been an awesome way to play 5e with my friends while social distancing...so when my Seminar in Human Factors class had an product evaluation project, I decided it would be fun to conduct it on FGU. If you have about 10-15 minutes to fill out my survey, that would be awesome. I would love to get other players' opinions about the program :-)


October 6th, 2020, 05:21
I hope this helps with your Human Factors class. I would suggest that you put some more thought and get some feedback on your actual survey questions next time. They showed a distinct bias that is going to skew your results towards your expected results.

October 6th, 2020, 12:32
Why do you need our email address?

October 6th, 2020, 12:52
Two good points there. Survey questions require a lot of thought to achieve any level of objectivity.
Email is probably being used to avoid multiple entries from the same person, but it's going to really limit your sample size as it's not something privacy-conscious people are wanting to give out (and it doesn't even do the previously-mentioned goal of duplicate avoidance very well because burner emails exist).

October 6th, 2020, 13:22
I trust the people on this forum but a brand new account ask me to click a random link and provide information on myself well that looks sketchy. Normally best not to click links.

From my snooping around forms.gle looks like it is google. It turns out https://www.charlestonroadregistry.com takes you to a google site. I need to do more homework on this. They come up in the whois search for forms.gle. Plus not to mention forms.gle has only been around since 2-12-2019. It is hosted by google though.

October 6th, 2020, 17:21
I hope this helps with your Human Factors class. I would suggest that you put some more thought and get some feedback on your actual survey questions next time. They showed a distinct bias that is going to skew your results towards your expected results.

Thank you so much for your help! Yeah, I appreciate your input and I totally agree. The survey was much more thrown together than I would have liked because I had contracted coronavirus and am playing catch up on all my school-work now and needed this data asap. In the future, I will be able to construct a much better survey. Again, I appreciate your time and help with this!

I did ask for emails because I was trying to keep from getting multiple forms from a single user...at the end of the form it had a link to submit another response and since I couldn't figure out how to get that off, I figured email would be a safe bet to make sure I combined answers if people submitted more than once. Didn't think about people being privacy minded...like I said before, because of circumstances, I was in a rush and didn't think through all the aspects.

It is just a short link for a google form. And my account isn't brand new lol, I joined six months ago but I never engaged in the forums because I have had some horrible experiences in forums before and don't like to post if I can avoid it. However, I have been using them and I found people to be much more friendly and patient than some other forums, so I gave this a shot.

October 6th, 2020, 17:28
OK I put an email in and I would advise no one to answer these questions. Only the first question is do you play Unity or Classic.

The rest is personal info and if you use the email account for anything credit related (banking, credit cards, etc) would not be a good idea to provide to someone.

Questions are
What is your age?
What gender do you identify with?
What is your race/ethnicity?
What is your estimated annual income?
Are you currently employed?
If you are employed, what industry do you work in?

October 6th, 2020, 17:43
So I turned off the email aspect so it doesn't cause a problem with anyone. The rest of the screener questions are just trying to determine what the demographics are of the FGU users. Those questions just constitute the first section and while they are helpful, it's actually the second section that I am really interested in.

October 6th, 2020, 17:45
Sorry this just screams phishing scam.

October 6th, 2020, 17:51
You don't have to participate in it if you don't wish to of course, but there is no requirement for anyone to fill out any of the screener questions...you can move on to the next page of the survey without filling out any of those questions. I did that on purpose, in case anyone was uncomfortable filling out any particular pieces of information. It's really the useability questions that I would like to see answered...hell, I can throw them just in the thread and have people post their replies on here if that makes people more comfortable. I didn't realize that it would be such a problem, I apologize.