View Full Version : LFG - SWADE version of Deadlands: Reloaded

October 3rd, 2020, 06:51
Hello, all!

I'm looking for a few good players for a SWADE Deadlands campaign I'd like to run. It'll be every other Monday, about 1900 EDT, four-hour sessions. I have 2 players lined up atm, and need 2-4 more to round out the party. This will be a fairly standard Deadlands game, using published adventures, standard-ish characters, etc. New players are welcome if they're willing to learn/commit.
If you're interested, please message me on Discord @ErelonSeishu#6285 with your character concept and what type of game you're interested in (combat/RP/exploration/etc.). I'll be looking for players who fit into my group, so your best bet to join is to give me a solid idea of who you are as a player and a character. Please don't message me if you're just looking to murder-hobo or feed me a line about "I can fit into any group and I don't have any decent ideas." :square:
Bonus points if you've taken some classes through FantasyGroundsCollege already.

Happy Gaming, all, and I hope to hear from some of you soon!
