View Full Version : LFP Need 1 or 2 more players for an ongoing COS game

September 27th, 2020, 01:19
Hello! Our Curse of Strahd campaign is underway and due to real life, we have had several players drop from the group. We are looking for one or two more individuals that are willing to join the campaign at level 6. Details as follows:

FG License: GM has an Classic Ultimate license (so Demo players are ok). If you are new to FG or D&D 5E, that's ok, too. I can show you what you'll need.
Game System: 5E only -- ongoing CoS campaign

Time Zone: EDT USA (UTC -4)
Day of week and time: Saturdays at 5 PM EDT
If new game, planned start date: We play every Saturday at 5 PM EDT. This is not a new game. It is an ongoing campaign.
Planned Duration & Frequency: Sessions last between 3-4 hours
Term: Long term / multiple campaigns

Text or Voice: Voice required (so please have a decent mic)
Voice software used: Discord
Will this be recorded and/or live streamed? No

Roleplay & Combat Mix: More combat than roleplay, but will be a good mix of the two for those that aren't combat oriented
Number of Players in game & needed: Looking for one or two more to join the existing group
Character starting level & equipment: Start at level 6. We can discuss equipment and special items once the character is built on D&D Beyond.
Character restrictions: You must have a (free) D&D Beyond account. Characters may be built from any resource shared with you as part of the campaign. Let D&D Beyond do the heavy lifting and I will import and fix your character sheets for FG play.

Details: DUE TO REAL LIFE, SOME FLEXIBILITY IS REQUIRED. I'm a working IT professional, and I understand that sometimes real life takes precedence. It's ok. Just let the group know so there's no confusion over who is or is not playing. Four players per session are required; otherwise the session for that week is cancelled.

Most of my campaigns wander into horror territory at some point, so players must be ok with undead and horror themes in games (not overly gory or graphic themes, however). I tend to run official WotC modules supplemented with custom encounters and monsters to suit the party composition. I also ask that there are no children or rules lawyers in my games. My players can make any type of non-evil character that interests them as long as the party realizes that some combinations will require more creativity than others to succeed. My games obey milestone rules.

About the existing party: We currently have a group consisting of a cleric, a blood hunter, a fighter, and a warlock. They are mid-campaign, so anyone that joins must be willing to join in medias res.

About the GM: I've been playing D&D since the BECMI days of the 80s and have been a GM for almost as long. I've used FG since 2006 (man I feel old now). I love combat, tactics, players that come up with surprising / creative solutions, and the undead. If you have an idea, never be afraid to talk to me about it. I also have cats. Very loud cats. Some understanding is required for background noise (applies to everyone).

If you're interested, please leave me a note in this thread / PM me here.

October 2nd, 2020, 08:12
Are you still looking for a player?

October 4th, 2020, 01:06
I have two players if you're still looking. Me and a friend. I'm somewhat experienced and my friend is new.

October 6th, 2020, 23:08
I would be interested I have experience on fantasy ground so just let me know if you still have room I'm thinking sorcerer as a class