View Full Version : Organising custom content using multiple modules

September 26th, 2020, 13:50
I'm still on the learning curve of using FGU as a GM and want to 'get it right' at the start so that I can keep my custom created content organised. I am getting used to the concepts and think I have so far worked out that 'Campaigns' are not a whole system, but more of a collection of data and linked "Modules", with Modules being able to be shared (linked) between Campaigns.
1) What I'm hoping to get from other users is how they use Modules to organise their custom content - both Campaign (World) Setting, and Adventures?
2) I'm also looking for 'best practice' ways of working with this content - How do I go about adding new content to the various modules (ie adding new NPCs to the Bestiary, new core maps etc) or changing PCs?
3) Another question I'd like to put to users is how they edit these in FGU; what do I need to open in FGU to add contect to each? Can I open the Campaign 1 and still create content in say the My World module? and if not, how do I do that?

Below is what I am thinking of setting up...
'Core Modules'
Module - My World - Maps, History, Rules and any content that is specific to the campaign setting (eg Forgotten Realms)
Module - My Bestiary - NPCs that I have created and may use across multiple worlds etc.

Campaign Modules - note: this is for the current campaign in play
Module - PCs - Player characters
Module - Campaign 1 Episode 1 - Important NPCs (GM PCs), prebuilt adventures, story, images, encounters, etc for a

Campaign - Campaign 1 - 'Running campaign' - random encounters, temporary stuff
- Loaded Modules - My World
- My Bestiary
- PCs
- Campaign 1 Episode 1

September 26th, 2020, 14:06
Yes, you seem to have a good grasp on what you want to do.

September 26th, 2020, 14:12
Thanks @Zacchaeus. I'm still not clear on how to edit the Modules - I know how to open the current campaign but not how to edit data in the 'sub modules' and me experiences with moving bits between modules has seemed to be very complicated. I'd really love to have a right-click Move To... option.

September 26th, 2020, 14:18
Have a separate campaign for each module, and then do your changes in that and re-export.

September 26th, 2020, 14:26
Indeed. Use different campaigns to create your stuff in. Moving things between modules is tricky. You would need to open the campaign you created something in and then in that campaign open the module you want to copy from. Then copy the things you want to copy and close the open module. Then export from the campaign. The items you copied will now be in the new module (but will also be in the module you copied from, unless you go back into the campaign you created that module in and delete the items from that campaign and then re-export).

September 26th, 2020, 14:31
I think of my playing campaigns as various kitchen tables and bookshelves that I play at. And the campaigns that I use to make the modules for those tables as notebooks to do my thinking in.

And since all your data is on your machine you have as much space as you can afford.

Also note ALL your data is on your machine, make backups, then backups of the backups, then off machine backups of the backups of the backups.

A Social Yeti
September 26th, 2020, 20:13
As i understand the reading, the best practice thing you seem to be looking for is:

have two copies of all modules you use to make up your campaigns.
An "edit" copy and a "live" exported version as the played campaign modules.
Anytime you want to add/edit content in a module, do that in the "edit" copy, and then export the module to a file.
That's the "live" campaign module you load for play sessions. Just replacing the current live module file with the new export that has your changes/additions in it.

If you are running multiple campaigns from the same module files, then all campaigns will get the changes form replacing the one loaded module file they all share.

This works because you're not making changes to the module files on the fly as the campaign goes. So all campaigns can share in the one same module file you update outside of the campaigns and export the one for them to share.

September 27th, 2020, 02:40
See the link in my signature. Also see this post I made recently to a similar question; https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?62254-Auto-Campaign-Saving-settings&p=544972#post544972

I recommend that you have multiple development campaigns. One for each Module of content you want; NPCs, Player Options, Setting info, Plot/Adventure 1, Plot/Adventure 2, etc.

Then you have a "play campaign" for each group of characters. This campaign may live for years, or die after a one-shot.