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View Full Version : Problem: Character Cannot Create "Uses Per Day" Counter for Powers

September 24th, 2020, 19:48
One of my 5E player's Cleric character is giving us trouble: We can't get the "uses per day" tick boxes to appear on any new powers we create for him. And the old tick boxes that had been created in the past stopped working (clicking the box didn't put a check mark in it. It only sent the power usage message in the chat window)

Maybe we are just missing something obvious but I tried doing the same thing on another character and it works normally on that other character. Could the character data be bugged? If so, is there a way to fix it?

The character was created in Classic originally - it moved to Unity when we migrated the whole campaign there.

Screenshot as an attachment.

September 24th, 2020, 22:52
Does it show when you change modes? Are you using any extensions? Does the problem go away in a new campaign with no extensions.

September 28th, 2020, 07:57
Does it show when you change modes? Are you using any extensions? Does the problem go away in a new campaign with no extensions.

(Sorry for my tardiness, busy weekend)

It does not show when changing modes. No extensions. Other characters work fine in the same campaign. The problem seems to be with that character specifically.

September 28th, 2020, 09:24
Sounds like the character is flawed in some way or there is an issue with the players cache. Try clearing the player cache to see if that fixes the issue. You could also try exporting the character and import into another campaign to see if the issue persists there. If it does then something has gone wrong with the character at some point. I have heard of characters not porting over very well when certain extensions have been used in Classic which aren't compatible with Unity.

September 28th, 2020, 12:53
Sounds like the character is flawed in some way or there is an issue with the players cache. Try clearing the player cache to see if that fixes the issue. You could also try exporting the character and import into another campaign to see if the issue persists there. If it does then something has gone wrong with the character at some point. I have heard of characters not porting over very well when certain extensions have been used in Classic which aren't compatible with Unity.

I've never used extensions.

How do I clear the player cache? Is that something the player does on his client? The problem persists in the Campaign, meaning that the player is not even connected and the problem manifests on my FGU.

September 28th, 2020, 17:33
Fantasy Grounds Unity just updated and the issue resolved!