View Full Version : Should I disable the SRD and Basic Rulesets if I have PHB, DMG, and MM?

September 24th, 2020, 09:30
I have purchased the D&D Essentials books. Is it safe / good practice to disable (unload) the Basic and SRD rulesets (modules) so that I don't get duplicates? Do the PHB / DMG / MM modules cover everything in the SRD / Basic modules?

September 24th, 2020, 09:50
You do not need the SRD or Basic Rules if you have the PHB, and yes, you can safely unload them and in fact also make them not available to your players.

September 24th, 2020, 12:58
I would disable them as well. I have found if you drag the explorers pack from the SRD they are just that. If you drag them from the CORE rule books they break down into all of the items that come with the pack.

I have not tested this but you would also want all of your links to be from the currently active modules. I think if you dragged the class from the SRD if you wanted to look something up it would ask you to load the SRD that it came from.

September 25th, 2020, 19:58
Yes, as Granamere mentions you don't want the players building things from the SRD since then you'll need to keep them open. There's no reason to have the SRD open and it doubles up the things in both the SRD and PH which confuses players and makes the lists longer.