View Full Version : Adding spell actions to the spell description

September 20th, 2020, 20:08
It seems like the automatically generated spell actions for a spell based on the description don't really work well most of the time, meaning I have to go in and hand edit it. Would it be possible to add spell actions directly to the spell description, and have it use those instead of automatically generated ones? Having to manually fix up the spell everywhere it appears (on different characters, or on every spell casting enemy) is really annoying.

September 22nd, 2020, 22:05
flash... this will be addressed in the future, but there's a lot of work involved in doing these things, especially considering all the variability in the structure of spells. It'll get there, but PF2 is still as young ruleset and needs time to get where we all want it, not to mention that (as I have come to see directly), every new product seems to introduce even new formats to deal with.

If you want my suggestion, grab something like my Drag-n-Drop module (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?50802-Pathfinder-2-Drag-and-Drop-Actions-Powers-and-Spells) or create a master list of spells for yourself that will always be available to all creatures and players. That way, the format you want your spells to be in with the actions you want will always be available to you and your players. It'll save you a lot of time in the long run to make these adjustments and have them always at hand for you.