View Full Version : Effects question for DB

September 20th, 2020, 11:46
Hey everyone! So, for OB effects such as herb bonus and Commanding Demeanor, Battle Cry etc. an effect can be added to the combat tracker "Penalty: +10" and the positive penalty (i.e. bonus) is added. Is there a way to do the same for DB for certain herbs, Aura, Blur etc? If so, what must be typed in the effects?

September 20th, 2020, 20:06
Not at this time. I do plan on adding more effects so things like that are possible. Right now, I would add it as a new defense with the appropriate bonus in melee and missile and just select the All checkbox.

September 24th, 2020, 20:28
Awesome thanks! I added them to the DB section and skills sections of the character sheets. Initially, I had it as a negative bonus, but realized it would not translate to the OB for full parry etc. No biggee!