View Full Version : Forever GM looking to play as a player... for once...?

September 20th, 2020, 08:05
So is there a way that maybe, just maybe I could play as a player in a game? For once?

September 20th, 2020, 10:02
Welcome FoxBlade.

There's nothing stopping you from being a player. Not sure what you mean.

The High Druid
September 20th, 2020, 11:56
Keep an eye on the LFG section of the forums (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?40-LFG-Looking-for-Group) for games looking for players, and make a post of your own, making particular mention of your time zone, what days/times you are looking to play, and whether you already have Fantasy Grounds (and which version).

September 20th, 2020, 14:23
Welcome XvFoxBladevX!

If I read this right you are not having a technical problem but you are looking for a DM. You might want to check out https://fgpug.com/.

September 21st, 2020, 07:02
Welcome XvFoxBladevX!

If I read this right you are not having a technical problem but you are looking for a DM. You might want to check out https://fgpug.com/.

Oh wow, thanks!

Also @The High Druid

Thank you, took you up on your advice.