View Full Version : Pathfinder 1E: Mummy's Mask - Wednesday Evenings North American Eastern

September 18th, 2020, 04:03
FG License: GM has Ultimate. Demo Players welcome
Game System: Pathfinder 1E

Time Zone: North American Eastern (GMT -5)
Day of week and time: Wednesdays. 7:00pm Eastern to around 10pm Eastern.
Planned start date: We would be looking to start in the next couple of weeks
Planned Duration & Frequency: Playing Weekly. Sessions will be 2.5-3 hours generally.
Term: Until the Adventure Path is complete.

Text or Voice: Voice Required (Headset Recommended)
Voice software used: Discord

Roleplay & Combat mix: 50/50, The expectation is that there will be a number of RP opportunities. The adventure will present the characters with a number of different challenges and not all of them are intended to be overcome by combat alone. Players should have well thought out concepts and backgrounds.
Number of Players in game & needed: We're looking for 1-2 more players to join in. There are currently 3 players committed. 4-5 players would be ideal.
Character starting level & equipment: Starting level will be level 1. Characters will start with max gold. Anything outside stock items will be judged on an individual basis.
Character restrictions: Races outside of Core Races will need a strong concept/background but will generally be accepted on that basis. 3rd party sources will generally be disallowed. No Alignment restrictions. But party needs to be able to work together. A paladin is probably not going to be hanging out with unscrupulous tomb raiders. Players should decide general tone of party.

Link to Gamecalendar page: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/calendar/?id=5439

Hi All,
I've been playing on Fantasy Grounds for over 5 years now as both a player and a GM. I have played in several Pathfinder games and have run (and still am running) several Pathfinder 1E Adventure Paths so I have some solid experience with the system. I try to run games that have a good mix of both RP and combat and like most the Mummy's Mask Adventure Path provides the potential for a great mix of both. If your primary interest is in hack 'n' slash, tactical simulations, if you are greatly concerned with min/maxing, or if you are very interest in strict interpretation of the rules, if these are the most important things to you to make your gaming experience enjoyable, my game will probably not be for you. If you are interested in a healthy mix of combat and non combat scenes, if you are interested in roleplaying and developing a character and creating a story together, hopefully my style will appeal to you. Players that are new to Fantasy Grounds or Pathfinder are welcome. If you are interested in joining in, please respond to this post or send me a private message with some details about your experience (with Fantasy Grounds and RPGs in general) and what you would like to get out of the game. What's most important to your enjoyment of the game. As well, if you have a basic concept that you're interested in playing, knowing that would be helpful too. Please note that characters will be made during the first game session, with players collaborating to build up a group together. Having a concept in mind is helpful, having some creative notions about directions you might to know are great to share, but please do not be absolutely dead set on exactly what you want to play coming in. A degree of flexibility always helps groups function better.

A couple of other quick notes to bear in mind...
-I'm not recruiting on a first come, first serve basis. At least not for a long term campaign. I'm looking for players that are going to fit in. That is not necessarily the first person to say that they're interested.
-If you sign up on the Game Calendar and make no effort to message me or post here, I'm not even going to consider you. When we run campaigns we're making a pretty substantial commitment of time and are asking you to make the same. If I can't tell that you even took the time to read this post, I really have no basis to assume that you're likely to be good with committing 3 hours a week for the next year+.
-When you let me know that you're interested, just as is requested above, it's important to give me a little more. What is it that you look for in your gaming experience? What is it about this particular campaign that makes it look like it is worth your time? What type of character is it that you want to play? Are you familiar with Fantasy Grounds? Are you familiar with Pathfinder? There are no wrong answers to any of these questions and I'm not looking for an essay. But I'm looking for fit and just saying 'I'd like to play' doesn't help all that much with that.


The ancient lands of Osirion are blanketed by the sands of time, and eldritch secrets and vast riches lay just beneath the sun-blistered surface. As modern Osirion opens its vaults and tombs to outsiders for the first time in centuries, many of these lost treasures and secrets are now emerging—some more troublesome than others. Hakotep I, a now-forgotten pharaoh, was robbed upon his burial. A secret sect took his heart and his funerary mask, both containing a portion of his soul. Betrayed the chance to pass on into the afterlife during his burial, Hakotep has existed in a state between life and death for millennia. The recent rediscovery of one of these lost soul fragments has allowed the trapped pharaoh to once again work in this world to redress the wrongs committed against him, and a cult worshipping him as a god-king grows in the heart of Osirion. Can a group of heroes brave terrible guardians, foul cults, and the burning sands of the desert to stop the rebirth of this ancient tyrant?

September 18th, 2020, 15:39
Hello there. My name is Jacob. I am a sucker for desert themed things so a campaign like this could be a perfect fit for me. I loved legacy of fire, the mummy movies,Serbianknights,plenty of things that make this a interest for me. Currently I am 6 years into my pathfinder experience,primarily as a gm. I am not took familiar with this website so I apologize in advance if it takes me a moment to notice a response. The biggest thing that intrest me in these games is the rp,i do love the mechanical stuff but at the same time i am the guy that will comment on aspects of the fights or the fact that we have a assimar compainion with bronzed wings both out of and especially in character. I know it slows down the mechanical stuff but I love enhancing those parts of the game with a bit of character based personality. This gameseems like a great place to play something I never really have before, that would be a tinkerer or guide that specializes in dealing with traps. If it's mechanical then I'd probably play a rogue or alchemist. I am experienced with a chemist gameplay but have never touched rogues,maybe try some other class but it's a really loose idea right now. Here is my discord info, I get pop ups on my phone for that so if you want a quicker response then I can give it there: codthedog#9589 Thank you for taking the time to read this.

September 19th, 2020, 08:33
Hello Dkyrn:

My name is Michael and I am interested in your game. Here are answers to the questions you asked.

RPG Experience: I have never played Pathfinder. I have recently begun looking back into the RPG hobby. started with D&D 1e in high school, played some 2e in college and more recently DMed 3.5e for my nephew and a few of his friends (15 year olds) about 5 years ago. I have learned the 5e rules and in looking at them ran across Pathfinder. I REALLY like PF's character creation system.

Fantasy Grounds Experience: None. When looking for 5e info I re-found Roll 20 and FG. I'm quickly coming to the conclusion that FG will soon, if it hasn't already, surpass Roll 20 in automation and battle map features. With that power and features comes a bigger learning curve however. I am currently looking at all the tutorials on FG I can find. I just found FG University so that should help.

What you would like to get out of the game: 1) Social fun. 2) Stretch my Story telling/Acting muscles. 3) Intro to Pathfinder. 4) better understanding of using FG as a player.

What's most important to your enjoyment of the game: A group with good (Player) social interaction as well as shared sense of what's important game play wise. I like a good mix of RP and combat and DM - Player meta conversation when needed. (Hopefully less and less as time goes by) For instance, session 0 is necessary meta talk as is any other time that participants feel something is not working for them.

Character Concept: I will gladly fill in the gaps in a party. (yes I will be the cleric if no one else wants to be... ;)

However my first choice will almost always be a Wizard, Rogue or multi-class combo. Going through the Pathfinder book for the first time inspired me to want to create a character who starts as a Rogue, and then at second level switches to Wizard. After that, maybe every other level alternates until reaching about level 3 in rogue and then straight Wizard.

The back story would be typical street urchin thief, who begins to see that magic might be a way out of the slums. Eventually he steals some simple magical bauble from a mage and somewhere before second level he realizes he has talent for magic and looks for a teacher.

Thanks for posting and for reading

September 25th, 2020, 00:02

My Name is Christopher, I have 8 years of experience with the pathfinder system and I would be interested in joining you in your game.

Though I have no experience with Fantasy Grounds I have been playing around the ui and find it fairly simple to pick up.

What I hope to get out of the game is a good story that I can share with others and to connect with more people that enjoy the hobby as I do. As far as my character goes ideally I would like to play a kobold wizard specialized in the school of transmutation. He was sent out into the world by his mentor to learn more of the world outside the tribe so that he could better understand the nature of his purpose in the tribe. A fairly pragmatic person he often comes off as unsympathetic and cold when he is simply doing his best to survive and learn from the others around him. He is fascinated by the story telling of the other races though he doesn't understand the reasons for them.

If interested in the character feel free to contact me here.

Thank you for your time,