View Full Version : MAPS! Share your file links here

September 18th, 2020, 01:40
A quick map I whipped up- enjoy!

Moirai Forge, a planetside colony schematic:

GM Version with room labels and Duct layout (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GwjDTftHz0mowQxd66R21DGOTXPk1Xar/view?usp=sharing)

Player Version (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kO0eHVBufToV5Coxc56Sk8JECtjSYe4G/view?usp=sharing)

October 16th, 2020, 08:04
I just found out that Profantasy have added in August a retro-ship content inspired by Free League's Alien! I was wondering how I can make such maps for future adventures, but now the tools are out there!

August release, probably this will be the first annuals that I will purchase and start finally using the software - https://www.profantasy.com/annual/2020/2020-cartographers-annual.asp

The pack in action, replicating existing map and how to fine-tune: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MQKSl_K4jXo&feature=emb_title