View Full Version : Champions reaction

September 17th, 2020, 23:55
Anyone know how best to add the Redeemer champions reaction so it's best automated? Any idea where on the character sheet is best to put it? Thanks for the help

September 18th, 2020, 00:05
Its not on the 'actions' tab per se. What My group does is have each player be responsible for calling out if / when they get reactions. For me as the DM I tend to forget if a monster gets one if I have not refreshed all the pages we are running that day. If the player or monster is entitled a reaction (shield block, AO, or pallys retritive strike) we kinda freeze the movement and roll reactions manually. This will entail sometimes having to switch targets.

September 18th, 2020, 03:22
Haggar. I am pretty sure I just use it in Spells section when I created Drag-n-Drop. It's just a matter of pausing when it fires and having the GM decide how to apply it. If I did do it in drag and drop, I am pretty sure it would have a button for option 2 where some resist is applied (based on damage) and then a button for enfeebled to the aggressor to reflect its application, too.

September 18th, 2020, 03:27
Thanks all!