View Full Version : What is the state of Conan 2d20 ruleset & module development
September 17th, 2020, 13:46
I am frustrated by the lack of responses and fixes for this ruleset, and while I don't regret the money spent on it (yet), I am starting to reconsider my intention to put the next campaign in it and invest in any future product (as I already have Conan the Pirate, Thief, Barbarian in MoreCore based custom ruleset).
I checked the developer's forums (, and it seems the things are more dire there. It seems until FGU is stable they won't be developing the ruleset and I am very surprised by this statement, because as far as I store says - this product is supported on FGC.
So, I hope we get someone from the dev team here to tell all clients what the roadmap is, timeframes, commitments and etc for the current and future products.
PS: Are you going to update the map packs with high-res images with zones included at some point?
September 17th, 2020, 18:06
FGU is very stable at this point -- as much as FGC is stable. Each of our in-house rulesets supports FGU and FGC and has for some time. Any third party developers should reach out to our team for assistance if they are struggling with the support for any features in FGU. We have contacted Nerdeye Games about the statements.
September 17th, 2020, 18:42
Are you going to update the map packs with high-res images with zones included at some point?
Its possible now, yes. We're collecting a feature list for FGU that'll need to be updated. LOS is already on that list.
... they won't be developing the ruleset and I am very surprised by this statement, because as far as I store says - this product is supported on FGC.
I don't recall us ever saying and we'd never develop against FGU and if someone told you that, thats in serious error.
As far as timelines go, let me be clear. Nerd Eye is a part-time endeavor. All FOUR of us have day jobs. We are also working on multiple projects. The next set of releases are Book of Skelos and Horrors of the Hyborean Age. Updates to make the core ruleset work ideally with FGU are constantly being identified and worked on.
If you feel you aren't getting the answers from the forums, feel free to contact me directly either here or you can email me at sunspoticus at nerdeyeindustries dot com.
September 17th, 2020, 18:48
Thanks Sunspoticus.
September 18th, 2020, 20:58
Its possible now, yes. We're collecting a feature list for FGU that'll need to be updated. LOS is already on that list.
I don't recall us ever saying and we'd never develop against FGU and if someone told you that, thats in serious error.
As far as timelines go, let me be clear. Nerd Eye is a part-time endeavor. All FOUR of us have day jobs. We are also working on multiple projects. The next set of releases are Book of Skelos and Horrors of the Hyborean Age. Updates to make the core ruleset work ideally with FGU are constantly being identified and worked on.
If you feel you aren't getting the answers from the forums, feel free to contact me directly either here or you can email me at sunspoticus at nerdeyeindustries dot com.
May I ask, if you are going to make Mutant Chronicles 3rd edition ruleset too? It is 2d20 with some differences to Conan, but still very similar.
September 19th, 2020, 22:09
Thank you for the prompt answer, Sunspoticus.
From customer perspective (player and GM) my concerns are valid - you have four 2d20 rulesets that seems are WiP and even though the game mechanics share the same core, the systems fork and differ. And if Conan is stalling like that with four developers, I don't want to think what might be when you spread over the various products.
I would give the benefit of the doubt here and see how things progress in the following weeks. I will put my Conan 2d20 plans in favor of another short campaign and return in few months. I hope there are no hard feelings. :)
Mythic Master
September 27th, 2020, 10:38
I have a quick question / comment and thought this could be a good the thread.
I was wondering if there was any thoughts being put into creating a character generator within the Conan ruleset? I like the way the D&D one works within fantasy grounds. I know that Modiphius has a browser app for generating characters that works well. Now, if it would be possible to use that to import xml that could be handy. (unless I've missed something)
Also, I'll be hoping and waiting diligently for you to add all the modules to the game. More artwork and maps please.
Best of luck and thanks for all the hard work.
September 29th, 2020, 19:55
I have a quick question / comment and thought this could be a good the thread.
I was wondering if there was any thoughts being put into creating a character generator within the Conan ruleset? I like the way the D&D one works within fantasy grounds. I know that Modiphius has a browser app for generating characters that works well. Now, if it would be possible to use that to import xml that could be handy. (unless I've missed something)
Also, I'll be hoping and waiting diligently for you to add all the modules to the game. More artwork and maps please.
Best of luck and thanks for all the hard work.
It is something we are thinking about, but right now do not have the time or bandwidth to actively work on it.
October 10th, 2020, 10:36
I have been planning the next rpg season and Conan 2d20 is always on the list. I decided to check how things are with the ruleset. I have seen that the old domain and forums are wiped and threads lost... Looking at the new site I am again puzzled and wondering if this ruleset has any future and hope to see the light of days as fully fleshed product line. Why the rant again?
On the Coming soon I see 4 (four) new and quite different products planned or in the works. I always welcome that, especially if they are planned for Fantasy Grounds, but then I begin to wonder... Checking the forums, in the single thread I find the "roadmap" for Conan:
Book of Skelos (in final edit)
Horrors of the Hyborean Age (in final edit)
Conan the Adventurer (~50% complete)
Start conversion on each of the Conan the... sourcebooks in no particular order at the moment
I really don't understand based on what you are making this roadmap, but the only product that makes sense from user perspective is the "Horrors", which is kind of monster manual. There are FIVE amazing "Conan the..." books before the adventurer that are much more valuable to be converted first as they carry the core Conan tropes and themes. And this does not take into account the Ancient Ruins book that is great resource for the GMs.
Adding the extreme slow pace (or lack of) in addressing issues such as Reference Manual and ruleset enhancements to the automation, I really wonder if there is any point to continue following this. I personally made 3 full modules for my own usage by converting The Thief, Pirate and Mercenary over 2-3 weeks with full reference manual and NPS/Items/Careers/Encounters libraries for MoreCore, and I am single person with probably less time on my hands than four of you combined. And you work on 4 rulesets now with their own set of content.
PS: Fix the product title, there is "Of" that you forgot:
October 10th, 2020, 15:47
Ahhh, yes, negative feedback always inspires change
October 10th, 2020, 20:42
I have been planning the next rpg season and Conan 2d20 is always on the list. I decided to check how things are with the ruleset. I have seen that the old domain and forums are wiped and threads lost... Looking at the new site I am again puzzled and wondering if this ruleset has any future and hope to see the light of days as fully fleshed product line. Why the rant again?
On the Coming soon I see 4 (four) new and quite different products planned or in the works. I always welcome that, especially if they are planned for Fantasy Grounds, but then I begin to wonder... Checking the forums, in the single thread I find the "roadmap" for Conan:
I really don't understand based on what you are making this roadmap, but the only product that makes sense from user perspective is the "Horrors", which is kind of monster manual. There are FIVE amazing "Conan the..." books before the adventurer that are much more valuable to be converted first as they carry the core Conan tropes and themes. And this does not take into account the Ancient Ruins book that is great resource for the GMs.
Adding the extreme slow pace (or lack of) in addressing issues such as Reference Manual and ruleset enhancements to the automation, I really wonder if there is any point to continue following this. I personally made 3 full modules for my own usage by converting The Thief, Pirate and Mercenary over 2-3 weeks with full reference manual and NPS/Items/Careers/Encounters libraries for MoreCore, and I am single person with probably less time on my hands than four of you combined. And you work on 4 rulesets now with their own set of content.
PS: Fix the product title, there is "Of" that you forgot:
We are sorry you are not happy with how things are going. However, we have not abandoned it. Nor did we ever imply that we would. We are actively working on fixes and new content daily. I am also sorry it is not going a a pace you are satisfied with, we are certainly doing our best.
As far as the site goes, we felt having multiple URLs was no longer needed and we funneled everything into one. Also, the Frum install we had before did not allow us to export the forums and import them to the new site. We wanted to update everything, and that was a victim of progress.
You are welcome to follow along the new forums, if you like. I assure you they will not be going anywhere at any point. We also installed a new Bug feature to our forums. So if you post in the Bugs subforum, it auto generates a ticket for us, so we can stay on top of things better.
Yes, we have 4 other products on the horizon. And yes, they are not all the same, but that doesn't stop us from continuing to improve what we have out there. If you notice, some of the future products are also 2d20. What this means is as we complete one, we add new functionality to it, and then we push that functionality to everything that is already out there.
I also feel, as is the case with most development, there will never be a "fully fleshed product", because there will always be room for improvement. I would ask you to be patient, but it seems you have already made up your mind, and I am affraid, no matter what we do, it won't be good enough for you.
Enjoy your next season of RPGs, whatever it is you choose to play.
October 11th, 2020, 09:48
We are sorry you are not happy with how things are going. However, we have not abandoned it. Nor did we ever imply that we would. We are actively working on fixes and new content daily. I am also sorry it is not going a a pace you are satisfied with, we are certainly doing our best.
I also feel, as is the case with most development, there will never be a "fully fleshed product", because there will always be room for improvement. I would ask you to be patient, but it seems you have already made up your mind, and I am affraid, no matter what we do, it won't be good enough for you.
Enjoy your next season of RPGs, whatever it is you choose to play.
Thanks for the response! I want to state that I haven't given up on your ruleset and the reason I rant is because I know it can be very good if the mentioned by all of us improvements are put in timely manner and we get more modules. After all, Conan 2d20 is fantastic game, in top 3 of many groups around and not getting what it deserves is causing grief ;)
The "fleshed product" I mean is to have the product line available. To be fair, I quickly converted my modules to your ruleset (thanks XML format and bulk processing!) so I can enjoy my work while playing on the official one. Too bad there was no way to move the NPCs, just Reference manual, story and talents.
I hope we start we proper updates, more often and modules in the right order.
October 17th, 2020, 20:17
Thank you for the prompt answer, Sunspoticus.
From customer perspective (player and GM) my concerns are valid - you have four 2d20 rulesets that seems are WiP and even though the game mechanics share the same core, the systems fork and differ. And if Conan is stalling like that with four developers, I don't want to think what might be when you spread over the various products.
I would give the benefit of the doubt here and see how things progress in the following weeks. I will put my Conan 2d20 plans in favor of another short campaign and return in few months. I hope there are no hard feelings. :)
I would say that core with some minor differences would not cause that much harm. It would even boost sales, as updates to Conan seems to be rather minor.
ShotGun Jolly
October 19th, 2020, 00:03
Ok, so what is the status of the combat tracker?
I have been watching these forums for updates on these particular requests, and there is still nothing as far as I can see.
IS anything going to be done to make the tracker more 2D20 Conan friendly?
If I sound impatient, is that I am.. I want to play this using the official ruleset so bad.. but until it can.. I am sticking to MoreCore.
October 27th, 2020, 22:56
After lots of delays, I'm starting a Conan campaign this week (tomorrow). I'm going back and forth right now over whether to stick to the MoreCore ruleset I've been using for previous one-offs or to try to power through the official ruleset until it's actually usable. I don't like piling on, but this ruleset isn't ready for primetime and should not have been put up for sale in its current state.
For managing NPC rolls, I'm currently looking at using a PC owned by the GM (named GM Rolls). I'll plug stats into those as necessary. This would slow things down a lot, but I think it's the best approach. Or am I missing existing NPC functionality right now? The way I see Foes entries, the characters are given attributes and the associated skill grouping bonuses, but there's no place to turn those into actual skill rolls. Bare minimum, there should be a row where the GM can convert those values into Expertise, Focus, Stat and click the resulting roll (along with a place to specify the number of dice to roll).
October 27th, 2020, 23:12
Or am I missing existing NPC functionality right now? The way I see Foes entries, the characters are given attributes and the associated skill grouping bonuses, but there's no place to turn those into actual skill rolls. Bare minimum, there should be a row where the GM can convert those values into Expertise, Focus, Stat and click the resulting roll (along with a place to specify the number of dice to roll).
See steps here:
There was a user guide linked here: But that doesn't appear to be valid any more.
October 27th, 2020, 23:20
Ah! Thanks, Trenloe!
When I tried that the first time, it wasn't doing things right. I just realized even if it says it's clearing the entries you've double-clicked (the target number goes to zero) that it doesn't.
I think populating it in the NPC sheet (a single line like I mentioned where you have parameter fields) would be faster.
October 27th, 2020, 23:29
Ah! Thanks, Trenloe!
When I tried that the first time, it wasn't doing things right. I just realized even if it says it's clearing the entries you've double-clicked (the target number goes to zero) that it doesn't.
I think populating it in the NPC sheet (a single line like I mentioned where you have parameter fields) would be faster.
The way it's done now is how it's done in the core rules - NPCs don't have separate expertise and focus for each skill like PCs do. A couple of double-clicks (once on the attribute and once on the relevant field of expertise), set difficulty and number of dice in the usual location under the chat window, and you can do the roll. Or, if you just want to roll against a TN (target number), click on the target number control under the chat window and enter the TN, set difficulty and number of dice in the usual location, you can also do it that way too. I don't think that adding fields to a NPC record that aren't part of the standard format is the way to go, IMO. But the current setup can be streamlined for frequently used attribute/expertise combinations. The main issue I have with the current setup is running NPC skill tests in combat - if the main NPC skills used in combat would be a single double-click field, or a single-click button, to make the roll in a weapon line (attack) and also a similar reaction fields/buttons for possible reactions, it would make the process of using NPCs in combat a lot less fiddly than it is now.
October 27th, 2020, 23:36
I've run Conan for a couple years (a major Kickstarter backer, a HUGE fan of the setting), so I'm familiar with the rules. Is the objective to reflect the look of the rules or the functionality of the system? The foes in the rulebooks are set up the way they are to reduce the size of their stat blocks. A parameterized entry that lets you create the roll(s) in question seems an elegant solution to me.
I'm wondering if part of my problem is that with my Mac's resolution, those buttons and such in the bottom left of the screen are pretty small targets to play with. Add to that I have a busted up elbow at the moment, so mouse (trackpad) cursoring all over the screen is extremely unappealing. Then again, mouse cursoring would be (I thought) a basic UI design thing to minimize. RSI is a real thing. :(
Regardless, this makes the decision to stick with the official ruleset for now easier. Thanks again!
October 27th, 2020, 23:42
Is the objective to reflect the look of the rules or the functionality of the system?
I'd say both. I'm probably not envisaging what you're envisaging when you say "Bare minimum, there should be a row where the GM can convert those values into Expertise, Focus, Stat..."
October 28th, 2020, 00:43
Don't laugh. I'm not an artist. Here's the basic idea, though.
October 28th, 2020, 12:11
Don't laugh. I'm not an artist. Here's the basic idea, though.
Thanks for taking the time to do that. Actually, that's exactly what I was envisioning. I think it has some merit, but could be changed - e.g. there's redundancy and so the Attribute, Expertise and Focus fields could be removed and maybe replaced by simply selecting the Attribute and Expertise (including focus) from above with a single mouse click - which could then be highlighted in an appropriate way.
Anyway, I don't know if the ruleset devs will see any mileage in this. And, to be perfectly honest, I'd rather they spend their valuable development time to address other more glaring things in the ruleset before something like this.
November 7th, 2020, 11:20
The update finally arrived and yet nothing from the "almost done" overhaul of the reference manual and layout updates on the Unity part. It is good that my game is postponed in favor of Savage Worlds Deadlands, so I don't have to decide whether I go to the MoreCore ruleset or not. :(
November 11th, 2020, 06:30
I understand, Trenloe. I've run a session now, and it's not crippling for this to be lower priority. Thanks!
ShotGun Jolly
November 11th, 2020, 22:00
I can not agree more with the both of you.
Its a brutal ruleset to currently use.. I am going to run maybe one more stream, but if I can not figure out a way for the game play to run smoother.. I will be switching my focus over to a different medium for Conan.
Its a sad fact.. but its a fact non the less..
November 11th, 2020, 22:49
I'm running my second session tonight. Any tips on what to look out for? The first session ran okay. The much greater challenge was that half the group had never played 2d20 before, and the other two were rustier than me (I haven't been able to run a session for several months).
I did notice a small annoyance today: Fortune Points reset automatically. I wasn't counting on that. In mid-battle, I intend to keep FP, Momentum, and Doom static, then reset at the end of the battle.
ShotGun Jolly
November 12th, 2020, 00:03
I have started making my own player aids, in the form of modules. Make the information in the ruleset more accessible for the players during the game to read. IE Actions during a turn.. This way they can drag information they may want quickly to their hotbar or what ever.
I also started a thread about hacks for the combat tracker, somewhere below this one.. might be something useful there.
November 12th, 2020, 00:05
Ah. We use the GM screen pages for reference on spends and things like that. I'm hoping that suffices until folks start to get the system down.
November 12th, 2020, 01:40
In my campaigns for various rulesets I use notes that I make public for stuff like that. The players can open those whenever they want to read.
November 15th, 2020, 09:33
I am not sure where to ask, opening a separate thread is bad forum practice, so I hope this gets picked and answered:
When the following critical enhancements to the ruleset will be released:
- Updated reference manual with fixed encoding issues for Unity and added Images and other formatting done right?
- Fixed encoding issues in other libraries (items, talents)
- Updated ruleset for bigger and more readable fonts everywhere! Please don't say use scaling, fix the fonts!
- Combat Tracker support for Minions and etc.
December 2nd, 2020, 16:31
I do appreciate the issues the developers were under, but as added context, I had both the main book and Skelos ordered, then came here to check on the ruleset before adding it. I have now canceled both orders...which sounds negative, but rest assured if it ever looks like this is getting a reasonable amount of attention, I'll order the physical and ruleset.
December 2nd, 2020, 18:06
I do appreciate the issues the developers were under, but as added context, I had both the main book and Skelos ordered, then came here to check on the ruleset before adding it. I have now canceled both orders...which sounds negative, but rest assured if it ever looks like this is getting a reasonable amount of attention, I'll order the physical and ruleset.
No need to cancel physical books (they are great) because of lacking ruleset.
December 2nd, 2020, 19:00
No need to cancel physical books (they are great) because of lacking ruleset.
I am running everything I do these days via Fantasy Grounds - I'm not going to dive in to around $100 for books and FG if the support isn't there. Sounds like the magic book isn't available...I don't feel like coding a bunch of adds. No hard feelings, just going to run something Conan-esque with another system.
ShotGun Jolly
December 3rd, 2020, 20:56
Silence is brutal!
Its been week's since any involment or interaction from then crew from Nerdsye here on the forums. :( I read about the constant stream of FG updates every week, in hopes to read something big with this rule set. Nothing!
I would be happy(ish) with a short weekly update saying they are still working on it at least.. But nothing..Even the nerd eye forums are barren. Go look ( here for yourself!
Many of us have tried to be helpful, constructive. Many of us are also frustrated with the lack of progress, and many people feel like they threw away good money. I should have asked for my money back before the 30 day refund period was up. But I gave it 5 months instead.. stupid.
So, what's the state of this project? The state is, people are better off getting Savage Worlds and playing Beast and Barbarians..
Yeah, I am disappointed, very much so.. I have every right to be! And before you go say, "well then, Go play something else!" I already have. I am hosting one last game of Conan this weekend using this rule set. But I am giving up on FG Conan after this, and moving to Tabletop Simulator For my Conan games until it gets fixed. I made my own fully functional Rulset for it over there!
As for other systems, there are much better FG rulesets to get.. Alien, Savage Worlds, CoreRPG, even Castle and Crusades! Also I am looking forward to Twilight 2000.
(Not so) Jolly
December 4th, 2020, 08:45
Alien looks fun, looking forward to Vaesen from the same team. I haven't seen any Nerd Eye activity for awhile. I've posted on their forums and those posts no longer exist. The last post on Facebook was from November 1st listing a bunch of games they're working on.
ShotGun Jolly
December 7th, 2020, 12:07
Well, been spying on the STA thread, Sunspot is making comments there in the last day or too. Nothing here tho..
December 7th, 2020, 14:50
Largely because this is a very negative crowd. Very likely to post elsewhere first. Meanwhile, working out a release order with Modiphius. More soon.
December 7th, 2020, 16:26
Largely because this is a very negative crowd.
Not without objective reasons I would say.
December 7th, 2020, 23:00
I love Conan the property, I love Conan the 2d20 system, and I love the FG Conan you guys have done. But there are a few things that can make running it easier for the GM. Intent is very hard to read online, I try hard not to sound negative but I'm sure it can be read that way.
ShotGun Jolly
December 8th, 2020, 07:15
Largely because this is a very negative crowd. Very likely to post elsewhere first. Meanwhile, working out a release order with Modiphius. More soon.
Are you actively trying to fix the major problem with the combat tracker? Yes or No?
December 9th, 2020, 18:24
Largely because this is a very negative crowd. Very likely to post elsewhere first.
Ok, well I'm sure Modiphius would be glad to see that's your answer.
The community that uses your product only want it to succeed. We gave you constructive criticism and feed back. You gave us silence. When that grew into disappointment, you apparently have decided to completely abandon the community. A little communication would go a long way. However even then, promised changes have yet to materialize. Perhaps coming back to these forums with an update of the issue would help, but you can't even be bothered to do that.
So thanks /s
December 10th, 2020, 16:15
Ok, well I'm sure Modiphius would be glad to see that's your answer.
The community that uses your product only want it to succeed. We gave you constructive criticism and feed back. You gave us silence. When that grew into disappointment, you apparently have decided to completely abandon the community. A little communication would go a long way. However even then, promised changes have yet to materialize. Perhaps coming back to these forums with an update of the issue would help, but you can't even be bothered to do that.
So thanks /s
Hello everyone,
I want to say my silence lately has been mostly because I have been going through a pretty big and unexpected move, which has been taking a lot of my time. That on top of a full time day job has, unfortunately, made things slow down.
To answer some questions, yes we are still working on this project, though not at the pace we would like due to the aforementioned move. On top of that as soon as we moved in, our roof basically collapsed in our bedroom. These are not excuses, and much as information. Because we are a small 3 person operation, when one of us hits a big snag, it can slow things down.
That said, things are starting to calm down, and I can start focusing on these projects.
I have, before all this started reached out to a few of you privately for some insight and suggestions on what you think would make this ruleset better. That information has not fallen on deaf ears. I listened and had been working on those suggestions. Now that I can focus, I will pick it back up. The reason STA seems to be getting more attention is not cause it actually is, but because the stuff with STA could be worked on without my full involvement. I would be happy to put a weekly update, if you all think it would be helpful. I will say, I had gotten the CT to a place where it was about 60% working, but I hated the way it was going, and was causeing more headaches continuing down that road. So I am scrapping that and attacking it from a different approach. So y'all know, this does not mean I am trashing months of work. This is only setting me back a small bit, and all my personal stuff kicked in pretty quickly after starting work on this. I don't want to give a timeline of when it will be ready, as there are other projects I have also fallen behind on, and as stated earlier, I do have a day job I have to pretend to focus on once in a while. I will set a reminder to send an update here every Friday going forward. Obviously not tomorrow, as we are now all updated.
We will also be posting on our forums fairly soon, if it's not already up there a roadmap of what we will be working on as we go. I hope that helps some of your concerns and disappointments. Please feel free to ask me any questions. I do try to respond as quickly as I can, assuming we don't install another rain shower randomly in another room of our apartment. Which is not as fun as I just made it sound. Especially when you are fast asleep and start having one of those dreams where you start going to the bathroom, then you wake up soaked and have a minor panic attack because you are a grown adult, with no major health issues, and you think you just peed the bed.
December 10th, 2020, 16:59
Thank you.
This is all we asked. ETA's are hard to give I know, you risk disappointing the user if you miss it or you rush it, so please don't do that. Just give us basic run down of what's happening. Of course actual updates would make it much better.
December 10th, 2020, 17:05
This is good to hear. Thank you
December 10th, 2020, 17:14
It's just the declaration that I expected
ShotGun Jolly
December 10th, 2020, 17:52
Sorry to hear about the problems outside of the work place. Those things are never good to deal with, let alone the rest of 2020! So most importantly, I hope things smooth out for you.
Just know, that you are not the only one who has a responsibility to have to face the fans of the game here on the forums. That burden is not yours alone to carry. But I am very happy that you responded with the facts of the matter and accepting the responsibility of this property and stepped up to respond like a professional. This speaks volumes to me. Thanks for responding!
Hello everyone,
I want to say my silence lately has been mostly because I have been going through a pretty big and unexpected move, which has been taking a lot of my time. That on top of a full time day job has, unfortunately, made things slow down.
To answer some questions, yes we are still working on this project, though not at the pace we would like due to the aforementioned move. On top of that as soon as we moved in, our roof basically collapsed in our bedroom. These are not excuses, and much as information. Because we are a small 3 person operation, when one of us hits a big snag, it can slow things down.
That said, things are starting to calm down, and I can start focusing on these projects.
I have, before all this started reached out to a few of you privately for some insight and suggestions on what you think would make this ruleset better. That information has not fallen on deaf ears. I listened and had been working on those suggestions. Now that I can focus, I will pick it back up. The reason STA seems to be getting more attention is not cause it actually is, but because the stuff with STA could be worked on without my full involvement. I would be happy to put a weekly update, if you all think it would be helpful. I will say, I had gotten the CT to a place where it was about 60% working, but I hated the way it was going, and was causeing more headaches continuing down that road. So I am scrapping that and attacking it from a different approach. So y'all know, this does not mean I am trashing months of work. This is only setting me back a small bit, and all my personal stuff kicked in pretty quickly after starting work on this. I don't want to give a timeline of when it will be ready, as there are other projects I have also fallen behind on, and as stated earlier, I do have a day job I have to pretend to focus on once in a while. I will set a reminder to send an update here every Friday going forward. Obviously not tomorrow, as we are now all updated.
We will also be posting on our forums fairly soon, if it's not already up there a roadmap of what we will be working on as we go. I hope that helps some of your concerns and disappointments. Please feel free to ask me any questions. I do try to respond as quickly as I can, assuming we don't install another rain shower randomly in another room of our apartment. Which is not as fun as I just made it sound. Especially when you are fast asleep and start having one of those dreams where you start going to the bathroom, then you wake up soaked and have a minor panic attack because you are a grown adult, with no major health issues, and you think you just peed the bed.
December 18th, 2020, 19:08
December 18th, 2020, 19:59
Thank you! Looking forward to this update.
Is there a screenshot or two that you can share of the WiP stuff?
December 20th, 2020, 12:23
Thank you! Looking forward to this update.
Is there a screenshot or two that you can share of the WiP stuff?
Sure. Here is the clients side. The GM side doesn't look much different at the moment. The alignment is also a little off, but I'm not the UI guy, so my eye is not good when it comes to that stuff. Once I'm done someone else will pretty it up more.
December 31st, 2020, 13:22
ShotGun Jolly
January 16th, 2021, 17:48
So, any progress?
January 16th, 2021, 18:02
Today I found out that the team probably took over development of Cyberpunk RED... so I don't expect anything anymore. Too bad the highly anticipated game as that might end up same as Conan.
January 18th, 2021, 04:27
Today I found out that the team probably took over development of Cyberpunk RED... so I don't expect anything anymore. Too bad the highly anticipated game as that might end up same as Conan.
Are you kidding!?! This makes no sense.
January 18th, 2021, 22:43
January 22nd, 2021, 18:08
ShotGun Jolly
January 23rd, 2021, 07:03
These links to the NI forums.. why? Cant you just post it here for people to make conversation about what progress is being made?
January 23rd, 2021, 13:00
These links to the NI forums.. why? Cant you just post it here for people to make conversation about what progress is being made?
I guess I don't see the difference. I don't know what would stop the conversation
ShotGun Jolly
January 23rd, 2021, 16:36
I guess I don't see the difference. I don't know what would stop the conversation
The fact its on the nerdeye fourms, to be blunt. There is very little engagement there.
January 23rd, 2021, 18:34
The fact its on the nerdeye fourms, to be blunt. There is very little engagement there.
Well, I would encourage you to maybe fix that. It is a Nerdeye product, so we felt it best to post there. I cross-post here as a courtesy, because y'all here would also like to be informed. However, there is nothing saying you can't then take what you read there and comment on it here. I'm not posting there to say that is where I want to necessarily hold the convo. I post it there so I can have a running record of what has been done.
January 23rd, 2021, 18:46
I also agree with ShotGun that it is quite unusual to have Fantasy Grounds-only product to be discussed on different forum than this one... but again SW don't have policy on that so I guess it is personal choice. I know why you did it, considering the amount of product you reportedly work on :)
January 25th, 2021, 19:30
Thanks for the update. Looking forward to seeing the results of your labours when they're released! It'll be nice to be more Combat Tracker centric and be able to handle those pesky mobs and squads better!
Black Hammer
January 26th, 2021, 04:55
Ouch. Hurts to see one of my favorite rule systems is basically DOA as far as "official" FG support goes.
January 26th, 2021, 13:21
Thanks for the update! I have a suggestion concerning Mobs and Squads : Since a Squad can roll up to 9 dice (5 for the Toughened squad leader and 4 for each Minion), could you please add four extra pips to the dice roller?
January 26th, 2021, 19:55
Thanks for the update! I have a suggestion concerning Mobs and Squads : Since a Squad can roll up to 9 dice (5 for the Toughened squad leader and 4 for each Minion), could you please add four extra pips to the dice roller?
I thank you for the update as well. I've just bought the Conan ruleset recently and loving the system so far.
As for the Squad attack, aren't the squad leader and the minions using their respective target number for the attack? If it's different isn't there a need for two different dice rolls?
January 26th, 2021, 19:59
As for the Squad attack, aren't the squad leader and the minions using their respective target number for the attack? If it's different isn't there a need for two different dice rolls?
Yep, something like this is needed. Either two rolls, or different TNs per dice in the single roll.
January 28th, 2021, 16:08
Thanks for the update! I have a suggestion concerning Mobs and Squads : Since a Squad can roll up to 9 dice (5 for the Toughened squad leader and 4 for each Minion), could you please add four extra pips to the dice roller?
This is on the list to get done this week.
January 29th, 2021, 10:29
This is on the list to get done this week.
Nice!! :) Can't wait to try the new CT!
January 31st, 2021, 23:54
February 1st, 2021, 11:02
Thanks for the update!
February 1st, 2021, 16:27
Thanks for the update! Turning Order Number into a pip sounds good!
February 4th, 2021, 19:19
Thanks a lot for the update.
Regarding the handling of mobs and squads I had an idea the other day. That idea is based on the "Mirror Image Handler" extension for the Pathfinder ruleset. This extension is used to apply the Mirror Image spell effect on the target and calculate automatically whether an image is hit and if so, it's removed.
The way the extension works is that it adds an effect to the combat tracker entry that has a number of stacks equal to the mirror images the spell creates. Then, when the target is attacked and the attack hits, the extension calculates the probability to hit one of the images instead of the actual target (which I assume does by giving to each image and the actual target an equal probability to be the target of the attack). If an image is hit, it removes one from the stack that the combat tracker entry has as an effect. It also removes one stack for a near miss but that's due to how the mirror image spell works and it's not relevant here.
Here is the thread about that extension
Now, how can this be useful here. If we have a mob that consists from a number of minions (let's say 5), then we can have one CT entry with a stack of 5. The CT entry will have all the stress info of the identical minions. When damage is done on that mob, the system can calculate the number of harms done and remove an equal number from the stack. If there is excess damage, it's subtracted from the CT entry stress value. Then after stress reaches 0, one stack is removed and stress value goes back to full with any excess damage applied to the new value. When the stack reaches 0 the mob is killed.
The same way when there is a squad, there will be a CT entry for the toughened leader and another CT entry of the minion with the stack of up to 4.
I admit that the Mob window you showed us in your previous update looks great, so keep up the good work.
February 17th, 2021, 09:14
OK, this is taking very very long and I can't believe it is that hard to fix the encoding in the modules for Unity, restore the default party sheet and deliver this long waited overhaul of the reference manual! I don't date to comment the alignment of number fields in the character sheet...
Now I don't see the calendar, what the hell happened with the calendar after the last push???
February 17th, 2021, 10:31
Now I don't see the calendar, what the hell happened with the calendar after the last push???
Take a deep breath and calm down a bit. Nothing's changed. You need to enable this extension:
February 17th, 2021, 11:15
Take a deep breath and calm down a bit. Nothing's changed. You need to enable this extension:
I totally forgot about that! I reinstalled few months ago and didn't bring that back. Thanks! :)
Moon Wizard
February 17th, 2021, 19:08
Also, I threw these guys a bit of a curve ball with this last update; so they are scrambling to understand the changes I pushed on them. However, the net result is that Conan and their future projects should work better with the CoreRPG features after our work together.
February 17th, 2021, 19:13
However, the net result is that Conan and their future projects should work better with the CoreRPG features after our work together.
February 18th, 2021, 14:44
Also, I threw these guys a bit of a curve ball with this last update; so they are scrambling to understand the changes I pushed on them. However, the net result is that Conan and their future projects should work better with the CoreRPG features after our work together.
Yeah, I do apologize for the lack of progress. This update turned our code on it's head, and took a ton of rework. Thankfully Moon Wizard has been a great support, and helped us through it. Now that this is taken care of, we can go back to doing the things on our task list.
February 18th, 2021, 15:56
Looking forward to the update :)
ShotGun Jolly
February 21st, 2021, 20:31
So, its been awhile since I followed any of this. I see updates about the progress, but I do not see any of the actual updates implemented into what I am using. Have the above updates been pushed out yet? Maybe mine has not updated for some reason?
February 21st, 2021, 21:31
They are not pushed. Nothing changed so far.
February 22nd, 2021, 20:22
So, its been awhile since I followed any of this. I see updates about the progress, but I do not see any of the actual updates implemented into what I am using. Have the above updates been pushed out yet? Maybe mine has not updated for some reason?
We have been working on it. I understand things have taken a while. They are taking longer than I would like as well, but because I have a full time day job, and do this when I'm not at work, and then the 4.1 update, things have slowed down. For a quick update, I have the CT working on the GM side. I still need to fix a few things to get it to work on the player side, as well as a few tweaks and bugs I am working on. I am also trying to code differently than I was, because the way I was doing it is what caused this 4.1 transition to be as big of a headache as it was. It is a more streamlined process, but now I am an old dog learning new tricks. All I can say is we are doing our best to get it out. I do understand your getting impatient, and I do appreciate the time you have given us up to this point.
February 26th, 2021, 17:04
New Conan update.
February 26th, 2021, 18:48
New Conan update.
Nice! I look forward to trying it out.
February 26th, 2021, 19:10
Will there be fix on the encoding and update of reference manual as promised times ago?
March 2nd, 2021, 16:56
Will there be fix on the encoding and update of reference manual as promised times ago?
Refresh my memory what you are referring to?
March 3rd, 2021, 07:46
Refresh my memory what you are referring to?
Of course.
Your modules in Unity still have the encoding issues and special symbols are displayed as boxes. It is matter of replacing the problematic codes/symbols in the XML.
There is still zero art from the core rulebook in the Images library and the reference manual.
Also to add again and again (and be ignored again probably) the grief with other implementation:
Unity - Attribute & Skill boxes are misaligned, looks horrible. I don't know if you are using some absolute or relative way of positioning the number controls, but this should be fixed as it is not that hard. I don't think this inconsistency is OK.
Unity - Fonts in PC/NPC sheets in Classic are more readable than they are in Unity. This is very problematic for players with specific screens or poor eyesight. Scaling UI is not the solution, there is way to define how the fonts to look like in terms of size in Unity without impacting the Classic.
It is still not clear in NPC sheets which box is for current and which for maximum and what is your idea for tracking Vigor/Resolve. All your NPCs are having 0 in the first box, which I interpret as "GM is adding damage, when it reaches the value of the second box (MAX), the situation is dire". I am not sure about others, but it is common sense to reduce the value rather than adding...
You still have basic issues in simple things in libraries - text and number controls are still editable while the window and its contents should be locked... You can check spells and NPCs - notes sections, lists, everything.
The NPCs can't be dragged to CT when their sheet is open because it seems to me that you have disabled or hid the shortcut behind the shield icon.
Attached is screenshot, left is Unity, right is Classic.
March 4th, 2021, 16:09
Of course.
Your modules in Unity still have the encoding issues and special symbols are displayed as boxes. It is matter of replacing the problematic codes/symbols in the XML.
There is still zero art from the core rulebook in the Images library and the reference manual.
Also to add again and again (and be ignored again probably) the grief with other implementation:
Unity - Attribute & Skill boxes are misaligned, looks horrible. I don't know if you are using some absolute or relative way of positioning the number controls, but this should be fixed as it is not that hard. I don't think this inconsistency is OK.
Unity - Fonts in PC/NPC sheets in Classic are more readable than they are in Unity. This is very problematic for players with specific screens or poor eyesight. Scaling UI is not the solution, there is way to define how the fonts to look like in terms of size in Unity without impacting the Classic.
It is still not clear in NPC sheets which box is for current and which for maximum and what is your idea for tracking Vigor/Resolve. All your NPCs are having 0 in the first box, which I interpret as "GM is adding damage, when it reaches the value of the second box (MAX), the situation is dire". I am not sure about others, but it is common sense to reduce the value rather than adding...
You still have basic issues in simple things in libraries - text and number controls are still editable while the window and its contents should be locked... You can check spells and NPCs - notes sections, lists, everything.
The NPCs can't be dragged to CT when their sheet is open because it seems to me that you have disabled or hid the shortcut behind the shield icon.
Attached is screenshot, left is Unity, right is Classic.
I did address some of these things in my last update. The alignment and text is something that is an issue with Unity. I have been in contact with them, and they said it is something they are working on. It is the exact same code for both, but is being rendered differently.
Also the Vigor and Resolve being 0 is a code error we have already noticed and made corrections to the code. It has been sent up to SW, and they said they will do a hotfix for that issue. I initially changed the DB value for those fields, and they walked me through how to get what I wanted done without having to change those fields.
Which encoding issues are you referring to? I'm sorry, I don't remember this being talked about.
As for the others, we are/will be working on those to get them fixed or updated.
March 4th, 2021, 17:12
Here is screenshot from the on the encoding issues. They are everywhere and also in Story pages in Story library for the Vultures of Shem adventure.
ShotGun Jolly
March 9th, 2021, 22:20
Hey Statik,
I know I asked this before, but I want to make sure that it is not forgotten, but can you make the changes so that players can ADD doom to the doom pile, please? Again, this will cut back on the amount of work the GM needs to do when running this game on FG.
March 13th, 2021, 21:53
Hello, conected as gm combat tracker works ok, but each time anybody click on the order button or when adding an npc or pc, players have the following message; Using Fantasy grounds unity
Moon Wizard
March 14th, 2021, 07:29
The attachment is not visible or was removed. Can you re-post the image; or type out the error message?
March 14th, 2021, 09:18
The attachment is not visible or was removed. Can you re-post the image; or type out the error message?
Im seeing this occur on a number of posts including at least 2 posts I have made.
March 14th, 2021, 10:21
The attachment is not visible or was removed. Can you re-post the image; or type out the error message?
The attachment link works for me - it displays directly as an image.
Attached is that image.
March 14th, 2021, 10:29
Yes that is the image, thank you
March 14th, 2021, 10:52
Message was edited after Ms post
I assume the attachment was uploaded again
March 14th, 2021, 12:51
Yes it was
March 17th, 2021, 22:30
Any plans to update the sidebar button art?
March 17th, 2021, 22:37
Hello, conected as gm combat tracker works ok, but each time anybody click on the order button or when adding an npc or pc, players have the following message; Using Fantasy grounds unity
Yep, seeing the same thing.
March 18th, 2021, 01:25
Yep, seeing the same thing.
That came out of that CoreRPG update a week ago... I think SmiteWorks fixed it bc it quit doing it to me after the more recent update for CoreRPG.
March 18th, 2021, 01:29
Any plans to update the sidebar button art?
Valyar, Smiteworks killed those... They are outlawed now... Plain text all around nowadays...
Moon Wizard
March 18th, 2021, 01:46
I talked to the Conan ruleset guys; and they were considering re-introducing custom sidebar code to support sidebar icon art. However, I warned them that they would need to be fully responsible for maintaining the custom sidebar code, responsible for any CoreRPG incompatibilities, and that we would remove theme support from Conan (to prevent average user from coming to support about why themes "didn't work"). They are considering still, but I recommended against it as it will take more of their time to develop and maintain, as well as having less compatibility with CoreRPG changes in the future.
March 18th, 2021, 02:00
That came out of that CoreRPG update a week ago... I think SmiteWorks fixed it bc it quit doing it to me after the more recent update for CoreRPG.
According to the base.xml file in CoreRPG, my local version is v2021-03-16 which was released yesterday, so maybe this is a regression?
Moon Wizard
March 18th, 2021, 02:11
This was something introduced with the combat tracker enhancements submitted by the Conan ruleset developers. They are aware; and we are waiting on a fix from them.
March 18th, 2021, 02:21
This was something introduced with the combat tracker enhancements submitted by the Conan ruleset developers. They are aware; and we are waiting on a fix from them.
Thanks for the update.
March 22nd, 2021, 16:57
Hello, conected as gm combat tracker works ok, but each time anybody click on the order button or when adding an npc or pc, players have the following message; Using Fantasy grounds unity
Hi, this fix will be in next weeks update. Because I have been ill, we were not able to get it in this weeks update.
Edit: I misspoke, They will be able to do a hotfix, which will come out as soon as possible.
March 22nd, 2021, 17:42
Any plans to update the sidebar button art?
As a workaround, we are working on an extension you can add to the ruleset that brings the buttons back. That way we don't mess with the core code, and users can turn it off or on as they desire.
March 23rd, 2021, 19:30
Sidebar extension to bring the icons back.
<link removed>
Also hot fix has been pushed for Conan. It should be version 1.78.
March 23rd, 2021, 20:09
Conan 1.78 with Icons, 45110
March 24th, 2021, 08:23
Sidebar extension to bring the icons back.
Also hot fix has been pushed for Conan. It should be version 1.78.
Is there a way to publish those files here, on the official FG forums too, because it seems I need to register to download?
March 24th, 2021, 15:27
We've elected to host the extension on our forums.
March 24th, 2021, 15:49
We've elected to host the extension on our forums.
OK, thanks for nothing then.
ShotGun Jolly
March 28th, 2021, 06:59
Really? I did not buy the ruleset there.. the fix should be posted here or should it not be?
March 28th, 2021, 17:50
No, we can post it wherever we want. There's tons of content for FG not posted here made by various people. Official products and add-ons end up here, unofficial, on our site. Nice attempt at creating drama where there isnt tho.
ShotGun Jolly
March 28th, 2021, 18:49
Oh, so this is not an official fix?
What is it then, if its not something to restore the product back to the way it looked when people first purchased it?
March 28th, 2021, 19:28
Oh, so this is not an official fix?
What is it then, if its not something to restore the product back to the way it looked when people first purchased it?
Jolly, all of the rulesets (D&D, Pathfinder, etc) have been stripped of this... This is just an extension to give some semblance back to the way it was...
March 28th, 2021, 19:39
Oh, so this is not an official fix?
What is it then, if its not something to restore the product back to the way it looked when people first purchased it?
A fix means something is broken. Nothing is broken, so this is not a fix.
March 28th, 2021, 22:57
A fix means something is broken. Nothing is broken, so this is not a fix.
As a person who runs a company you guys are completely unprofessional. You engage in a petty back and forth on another company's forums? (this is not the first time). I cannot understand why SW puts up with this behavior. I will not be supporting this rule set or content until such time another developer takes it over. I may even play it on foundry if I get desperate.
ShotGun Jolly
March 28th, 2021, 23:39
Jolly, all of the rulesets (D&D, Pathfinder, etc) have been stripped of this... This is just an extension to give some semblance back to the way it was...
It was already posted here once.. but had to be removed cause "reasons" The lead developer of the Conan ruleset did not think it was an issue at first.. but now there is a "reason" What changed? I just wanted to know.
But apparently asking why is causing drama it seems. So people can surmise why I am not wanting to go SunSpots website.
ShotGun Jolly
March 28th, 2021, 23:43
A fix means something is broken. Nothing is broken, so this is not a fix.
Really Statik? I am so disappointed right now.
March 29th, 2021, 00:59
A fix means something is broken. Nothing is broken, so this is not a fix.
Ok. I have only on question according to this product, How can I get my money back?!
March 29th, 2021, 09:35
Smite Works have 30-days money back guarantee. If you are lucky and you fall within that period, you can contact them at
[email protected].
For the rest of us - we hope for miracle.
March 29th, 2021, 13:37
It was already posted here once.. but had to be removed cause "reasons" The lead developer of the Conan ruleset did not think it was an issue at first.. but now there is a "reason" What changed? I just wanted to know.
But apparently asking why is causing drama it seems. So people can surmise why I am not wanting to go SunSpots website.
Ok, for the record, I'm not trying to be petty or argumentative. I genuinely am confused. I don't understand this statement that it was posted here already. We did not release this ext on these forums at first. We made the decision to post them on our forums because when we approached SW about this issue initially, they said it would be something that would cause our ruleset to no longer be supported. Go look at post 101 where Moon Wizard explains it. So, we decided that since this is something that SW does not want to have their tables do, that we would put it on our site to show that we are 100% responsible for it, and SW is in no way affiliated with the ext. I cross linked here, because I have said in the past I would update these forums whenever we do something new.
With all that previous info put out there, I was confused why we were still being attacked for posting a "fix" that wasn't a fix. To be fair, you were not the first to state this.
As far as your statement saying if it's not a fix to restore the product to what it used to be, what is it. This statement really confused me. Smiteworks did an update that changed how their system looked and functioned. We as developers had to obviously comply and work within their framework. We decided we were not fully thrilled with what they did. Not to crap on them, it's their right to do as they wish with their software. Because of this, we did what tons of people on these forums and elsewhere did, we modded the game because we saw a quality of life addition that we wanted. We never saw it as a fix, and with our communications with Smiteworks, we decided to not put this ext on here because they were very clear they did not want that functionality in their system.
I am sorry you felt we were attacking or being argumentative in any way, we were just trying to be concise.
March 29th, 2021, 13:40
Ok, for the record, I'm not trying to be petty or argumentative. I genuinely am confused. I don't understand this statement that it was posted here already. We did not release this ext on these forums at first. We made the decision to post them on our forums because when we approached SW about this issue initially, they said it would be something that would cause our ruleset to no longer be supported. Go look at post 101 where Moon Wizard explains it. So, we decided that since this is something that SW does not want to have their tables do, that we would put it on our site to show that we are 100% responsible for it, and SW is in no way affiliated with the ext. I cross linked here, because I have said in the past I would update these forums whenever we do something new.
With all that previous info put out there, I was confused why we were still being attacked for posting a "fix" that wasn't a fix. To be fair, you were not the first to state this.
As far as your statement saying if it's not a fix to restore the product to what it used to be, what is it. This statement really confused me. Smiteworks did an update that changed how their system looked and functioned. We as developers had to obviously comply and work within their framework. We decided we were not fully thrilled with what they did. Not to crap on them, it's their right to do as they wish with their software. Because of this, we did what tons of people on these forums and elsewhere did, we modded the game because we saw a quality of life addition that we wanted. We never saw it as a fix, and with our communications with Smiteworks, we decided to not put this ext on here because they were very clear they did not want that functionality in their system.
I am sorry you felt we were attacking or being argumentative in any way, we were just trying to be concise.
Thanks for the clear summary of the situation. With all this going on, I think releasing the extension on the Nerd Eye Games forums is the right decision.
March 29th, 2021, 14:26
Smiteworks did an update that changed how their system looked and functioned. ... Because of this, we did what tons of people on these forums and elsewhere did, we modded the game because we saw a quality of life addition that we wanted.
And thanks for taking the time to create the extension and release it to the public. Very much appreciated. :)
April 28th, 2021, 00:12
So no update to the party sheet that was promised for today in your forums? Very disappointing, I'm sure someone was sick or something. I know you're working on alot of different sets, but maybe Conan should get finished first since people have already paid for that one. I'm definitely going to have to think twice before buying anything else Nerd Eye does.
April 28th, 2021, 00:34
There are several updates in flight at the moment. We do have day jobs AND we were waiting on materials from the publisher. Feel free to complain to them.
April 28th, 2021, 00:44
Meanwhile, the party sheet was re-enabled. It'll get posted for next Tuesday's release. We'll activate a suggestion box for feature-adds to the sheet. But the basic CoreRPG version will be back by the next update.
April 28th, 2021, 07:14
Do you plan in the next update to finally fix the following items:
Reference manual with images
Encoding issues in modules in Unity
Layout fix for Character Sheet in Unity (attribute and skill boxes are misaligned as hell, no need for OCD to be annoyed)
Corebook images in Images library as with every FG product
Probably I reported other issues, but compared to those, they are minor.
If you have problems in delivering those I offer my help, pro bono.
April 28th, 2021, 08:39
We're aware. We're working on module and map pack changes. When we've got those complete, we'll push them out to the rest of you.
April 28th, 2021, 09:57
There are several updates in flight at the moment. We do have day jobs AND we were waiting on materials from the publisher. Feel free to complain to them.
So what materials are you waiting for that'll help the Conan base ruleset? So no I'm complaining to you cause the ruleset has had updates in flight for 6 months that haven't ever come out. I'm sorry but you have nothing but excuses and it's always someone else's fault. I've tried hard to remain positive, but I just can't anymore. Take Valyar up on his offer, the rule sets he does gets fixed asap if there's issues. There's no shame in getting help, there is shame for poor customer service. You stopped posting updates here cause there was negativity - ever think that's cause what's promised doesn't come true? It IS one of the more expensive rule sets and right now people just want it to be worth our money.
April 28th, 2021, 14:16
Do you plan in the next update to finally fix the following items:
Reference manual with images
Encoding issues in modules in Unity
Layout fix for Character Sheet in Unity (attribute and skill boxes are misaligned as hell, no need for OCD to be annoyed)
Corebook images in Images library as with every FG product
Probably I reported other issues, but compared to those, they are minor.
If you have problems in delivering those I offer my help, pro bono.
The images are what we are waiting on from the publisher. Once we have those, we will be able to put them in. As stated before, the alignment issue is something to do with how Unity renders our fonts. we have talked with them, and they are not sure why it is doing that either. As we left it off, I believe they said they would have their font guy look at it, as soon as he could, to determine what the problem could be. We will fix this as soon as we can.
The unity encoding issues are actively being worked on. We are hoping to release this update for next week.
April 28th, 2021, 14:55
You don't have the PDF source files from the Publisher??? I am surprised that you wait images, you can extract the high-res files from the file easily.
I also disagree on the fonts - I faced same issue and the solution was simple - use different fonts for Unity and update the way you do the layout so it is not dependent on font size and etc. You can't simply leave this like that really. I can give a hand if you want, but this meaning sharing some code. :)
April 28th, 2021, 15:25
You don't have the PDF source files from the Publisher??? I am surprised that you wait images, you can extract the high-res files from the file easily.
I also disagree on the fonts - I faced same issue and the solution was simple - use different fonts for Unity and update the way you do the layout so it is not dependent on font size and etc. You can't simply leave this like that really. I can give a hand if you want, but this meaning sharing some code. :)
As for the images, since we are not Modiphius and a subcontractor, we can only use the assets they give us. Even though it is for their product. It's still technically a copyright issue.
As for the fonts, We will look into it. I just today went through the two main forum posts and wrote down any outstanding issues brought up. Just in case we missed any, or they somehow got lost in the jumble.
April 28th, 2021, 16:45
As for the images, since we are not Modiphius and a subcontractor, we can only use the assets they give us. Even though it is for their product. It's still technically a copyright issue.
I don't know what the agreement is, but I find quite weird if Modiphius didn't provide all resources. Speaks bad for them.
April 29th, 2021, 21:34
No images, no functional ruleset, bad fonts, lack of updates, lack of informations from publishers. I have one question. For what I paid $44.99 ?
April 29th, 2021, 21:55
No images, no functional ruleset, bad fonts, lack of updates, lack of informations from publishers. I have one question. For what I paid $44.99 ?
Well, personally I purchased a functional rule set that I frequently use and don't have any issues with.
April 29th, 2021, 22:27
FGU Font Issue -- RESOLVED. Watch for it and several other fixes on the next update..
April 29th, 2021, 22:30
I don't know what the agreement is, but I find quite weird if Modiphius didn't provide all resources. Speaks bad for them.
They're just slower than you'd expect.
May 1st, 2021, 00:23
FGU Font Issue -- RESOLVED. Watch for it and several other fixes on the next update..
Looks good! Thank you!
May 4th, 2021, 19:30
Awesome to see the font issue resolved. It wasn't a crisis-level problem, but I look forward to it! :)
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