View Full Version : Players see duplicated tokens on battle map

September 16th, 2020, 22:59
some of my players can see their old tokens on the map after moving them. this causes lots of confusion where the character's really are. this happens when gm is moving character instead of the player themselves. The only way to mitigate is that player closes the map after every turn and gm reshares that map. I have a screenshot of the problem posted by the player on how it looks like on the player's end.


September 16th, 2020, 23:27
I believe this was reported before and is being looked into . I believe the issue is when the GM shares a map more than once. If they only share it once and then when needed I think the players will not have this issue.

Moon Wizard
September 17th, 2020, 02:11
Also, closing and re-opening the image window will reset all the duplicates as a temporary workaround. This will be fixed in the next release build.


September 17th, 2020, 16:33
Also, closing and re-opening the image window will reset all the duplicates as a temporary workaround. This will be fixed in the next release build.


I love it when I question I have gets answered before I ask it :)