View Full Version : Here's an idea, Fill out the profile....

September 16th, 2020, 21:47
I've been using the software and site for 4 years and every time I look at someones profile on here, it is blank.
No one takes the opportunity to list;

How familiar they are with using FG software,
What kind of player or DM they are.
What game systems they prefer,
Campaigns they have completed,
Type of playstyle,

This is basic stuff. Not your most darkest secrets, you can keep those. Just consider what people could benefit from knowing; regarding how you approach the game, what your expectations are as a player or DM.
It's an idea.


September 16th, 2020, 22:07
I had not idea you could do a poll on here. Neat.

I have stuff in my profile. No idea if I would call it helpful though. :)

September 16th, 2020, 22:29
I'll tell you, it isn't. You have no bio, there's nothing to indicate the type of games you have played, or want to play. You don't indicate your level of experience with FG software or how you play TTRPGs online. It's not difficult stuff.
About GranamereLocation:USAInterests:Games, writing and photographyOccupation:Sysadmin

There isn't any info to indicate your interest, experience, or what you want to do or get from the hobby of ttrpg.

I had not idea you could do a poll on here. Neat.

I have stuff in my profile. No idea if I would call it helpful though. :)

September 16th, 2020, 22:32
Sweet I am useless! :)

September 16th, 2020, 22:57
That sounds like a great idea for those looking to join a game or host a game of their own.

September 16th, 2020, 23:49
I was guilty of this myself. ... until 10 minutes ago. I mostly DM and I type way to much on my LFG posts giving details about my game and what I am aiming to achieve with it, etc. At any rate its a good idea to update the profiles. Thanks for the reminder. :)

September 17th, 2020, 00:01
The problem I've had is most groups do not finish a campaign. Why? They are BADLY matched. People do not advertise or even understand what they bring to a session of play. So by considering certain attributes, or limitations, people are able to form groups that will have higher chances of game completion, thus raising satisfaction with the FG software. Lack of information between players, dms, and even other players = higher degrees of group game failure, and dis-use of the program.

That sounds like a great idea for those looking to join a game or host a game of their own.

September 17th, 2020, 00:03
I was guilty of this myself. ... until 10 minutes ago. I mostly DM and I type way to much on my LFG posts giving details about my game and what I am aiming to achieve with it, etc. At any rate its a good idea to update the profiles. Thanks for the reminder. :)

FYI... this guy has been my DM, he is a good DM, You'd be lucky to have him as your DM.

September 18th, 2020, 18:34
The poll could use more votes.

September 18th, 2020, 18:45
Good Day Jerrie :)
I have my profile blank. Only because I use FG to connect with real life friends and I am not looking to DM for or join another group. That might be the case for others who recently joined during this time of social distancing. But if someone is looking to join groups it is a great idea. :)

September 18th, 2020, 19:29
I'm with Bonkon. I'm not on the forums to look for groups to join, either as a player or a DM. I have my own group. I'm here to learn about how to use the tool. Also to see other people's questions as they may indicate some feature that I wasn't aware of. Thus while it's not information that I particularly want to hide how long I've been playing or DMing (multiple decades), or which systems (AD&D, 2ed, 5ed, Gamma World, Top Secret), but it's not immediately relevant to the posts I make.

I would agree that it would be useful information for those that are using the forums to look for a group to form/join.

September 20th, 2020, 15:43
That would be useful information for people wanting to join a group.

I would also say that before the game, DMs and players need to communicate clearly about personalities and expectations. Before Session Zero, I talk with my group about what kind of game we want to have, how we feel about certain kinds of games or players, etc., and their expectations. We go over potential house rules, and I'm completely up front about my weak points. I use Session Zero not only to help my players make characters, but also to assess how well they use FG and know how much help they'll need, and to kind of see their personalities, how they work with each other, and how open they'll be to things I might do in the game.

Also, as DM, I try to work with my players to give us the kind of game we'd like to see.

I think taking a bit of time to get to know each other before the game is extremely important. It doesn't always work, but it helps.

September 20th, 2020, 15:48
I prefer to roll my dice behind the screen and my profile reflects this choice. :)

September 21st, 2020, 19:23
I think this is a good idea, but sadly I also think this is still the Internet. I'd probably do it if I was starting a new group but my groups are well established.

September 29th, 2020, 03:32
I'm game. Updated mine.

October 4th, 2020, 07:25
The edits you made are really on point.

I'm game. Updated mine.