View Full Version : Converter

September 15th, 2020, 22:02
I would like to know your opinion about this conversion tool created so that Foundry users can enjoy what was produced for FG.


September 15th, 2020, 22:17
Assuming this only converts 'open' modules such as those sold on the DMsGuild and not decrypts ones from the FG Store that are stored in the vault, I'm fine with it. If it means that FG modules get more sales on the Guild, that's great.

(Note the video would not load for me)

September 15th, 2020, 22:50
Yes. Your video doesn’t work.

A Social Yeti
September 15th, 2020, 23:10
I want to see more of this, in process i ,mean, the video did not actually work for me either.
And i want to see this some kind of "cross platform" integration being worked on by the VTT development groups directly.

This market situation, is to us now, as the history of the record player is to our past.

At first, record players would only play the records put out by the record player company, each player had a unique spindle size that only fit their records.

But once they agreed to a standard, and any record player could play any record. Everyone sold way more records, and the buyers all had far superior access to musical options.

Imagine if all your email accounts, had no export/import of any of your contacts using a nice universal CSV/vcard type data formats.
Now imagine all your GMing material like that, trapped in one app that you can't export to take whit you readily if you wanted to?

By being bespoke VTTs, that don't let you take it with you, and won't play with the other VTTs, this is not unlike the original design for unique spindle sized rerecords.

Not saying this should'a started out differently than this, evolution is what it is. But the design of less bespoke, more universal standards, is well established. The historical pattern is, a market segment may not really blow up, until there are some universal standards in place.

I imagine all VTTs sell better, when the purchasing of one, is not a commitment that walls you off from the other RPGers that just preferred that other VTT.
You know the same ones that play all the exact same RPG system you like to?
So what's the point in a 5e roll20 user, and a 5e dndnow user, and 5e FG user, not being able to play together?
In what way can we say that is a good feature and positive situation for role players to have?
I'd not imagine this was on purpose of course, as i said, evolution is what it is as a process, slow and generally in reaction to what we discover along the way.

I'd suggest that like how we get most universal standards for any market, it is up to the industry leaders to decide to do so and make the effort on that.

So just say'n, i know it's not what all the cool kids are doing these days. But i do know my history.
And based on the kinds of data system similarity for RPGs, all VTTS have to be working in here, clearly the option is present for built in import/export functionality, even if it would be a cooperation with the competition effort to get there.
Market history strongly suggest it could be well worth it to do so.

September 15th, 2020, 23:55
I'm sorry, but I posted it wrong, I still don't know how to post a video with [YOUTUBE] [/ YOUTUBE]
But now I have corrected it and you will be able to see what it is about.

September 15th, 2020, 23:56
The video can be found at this link; www.youtube.com/watch?v=WmAyjfVqn2U
Though it's not in English so may not be accessible to most folks here.

September 16th, 2020, 00:02
I am really not an expert of this, but is this really legal? For example: Somewhen at the end of the video Bruno converts the descent into Avernus module, isn't it? I would doubt that this is simply allowed by the current licenses

September 16th, 2020, 00:07
If they are converting something from the FG Store, then legality is questionable. If it is for personal use, most jurisdictions say you can convert. BUT, one could argue that using it in a different program and then allowing users to connect and use that content might be illegal (and not covered under personal use). Distributing that Foundry version to other people for their use is certainly illegal.

September 16th, 2020, 00:37
If they are converting something from the FG Store, then legality is questionable. If it is for personal use, most jurisdictions say you can convert. BUT, one could argue that using it in a different program and then allowing users to connect and use that content might be illegal (and not covered under personal use). Distributing that Foundry version to other people for their use is certainly illegal.

Ah, oki, thanks :)

September 16th, 2020, 01:28
It is worth remembering that Mestre Digital, it is not me and I only know Foundry, I am a fan of RPG but I am still an adept and user of FGC and FGU, it was precisely in the legal aspect that I was therefore divulging the tool, I believe that producer and users are violating some clauses and I think this is unfair to companies and to whom it took a long time to convert, so that we could have a well produced module or even rulesets.

September 16th, 2020, 22:25
That is dodgy.