View Full Version : LFP Tuesdays 7 - 10 PM Eastern - 5e D&D

September 15th, 2020, 15:40
Looking for one to two additional players. More info below:

Basic Info
FG License: FGC Ultimate (will eventually migrate to Unity Ultimate)
Game System: 5e D&D
Time Zone: EDT (-4 UDT)
Day of week and time: Tuesdays, 7 - 10 PM Eastern, though moving around sessions based on mutual agreement may occur
Planned start date: Tuesday, 9/22
Planned Frequency: Weekly
Term: Long-term (but very dependent on the group).
Text or Voice: Discord - we'll start with using FG's then migrate to a private server
Will this be recorded and/or live streamed? No recordings
Number of Players in game & needed: Max 5, Min 3. We have a core group of players but looking for 1 (possibly 2) players.

Character Creation/The Campaign
Official Sources: PHB, Xanathar's, Eberron (not set in that world but we have an artificer in the group). Will allow Tasha's eventually. UA material needs approval but I generally don't see anything wrong with them. No Volo's or monster races in general but open to negotiation if it fits the group and campaign. EDIT: Forgot an important restriction: no evil PCs.
Character Starting Level & equipment: 3rd level
Attribute Method: Point buy or standard array
Roleplay & Combat Mix: 50/50. We enjoy combat but like exploration and social/RP just as much. Playing in character is encouraged.
The World: Still in development. PCs will have an impact on its development and direction (e.g., you have a cool character concept? Let's explore that!). Adventures will be a mix of purchased (but probably re-skinned) material along with home-brew. The campaign won't be set in the Forgotten Realms (unless players really want that), so plan on combining a few elements together with focus on a "points of light" tone. If you’d like to know more, feel free to PM me.

About Myself: I've been playing FG for a few months. I've been a role-player for a few decades. Though I plan on using pre-made adventures, the campaign is intended to hit a sweet spot of both questing and open world. As a DM, I can't help but customize or create adventures toward the PCs - tends to be more interesting that way.

Look forward to hearing from you and I'm excited to see where this goes!

September 15th, 2020, 19:04
I got your note in chat - I'm very interested. Sounds like a mature, experienced group!

September 15th, 2020, 20:34
Perfect! We can talk further in chat.

A Social Yeti
September 15th, 2020, 23:29
This looks like a good fit for me.

That's Tuesdays 4pm-7pm for me, a perfect time slot. I can flex +/- on either side of that by a couple hours as needed.
And i been hankering to be in some 5e fantasy world setting recently as a player.

I'm interested in getting in on this open ended adventure group if you still got a slot.

Glad to answer any questions or be interviewed for your table in VoIP.

September 16th, 2020, 02:54
It looks like you might have your two, but if one of them falls though, i would be interested in joining up.

September 17th, 2020, 03:35

I'm 27 and have been playing dnd for the last 8 years. I have GM'd the majority of the games I've played in and am looking to be a player again. This time slot is perfect for me and I rarely miss a session as dnd is one of the highlights of my week. I am not currently part of any other campaigns so I am motivated to find a new game. I am very familiar with the rules and am comfortable playing a fighter, wizard or anything in between. DM me if you'd like any more info.

September 17th, 2020, 16:32
Hey there! I'm a 21 year old female, looking to join a game for fantasy grounds and this fits exactly in my availability! I'm saving up for Fantasy Grounds Unity so that I can DM with it, so just looking to play for now. I'm up for playing nearly any character to fill spaces in the group, mechanics and roleplay-wise. If you've still got any space open, I'd love to join!

I'm available here, as well as on Discord, my username there is APrehistoricSoul#1384, but I will reply quicker on discord.

Hope to hear from you!! <3

September 21st, 2020, 07:03
It looks like your full but if not or a spot opens up I would like to join