View Full Version : LFG 1 Player LF Game Friday Evening or Sunday MST US Time Zone LF Pathfinder, 5E D&D

September 13th, 2020, 22:58
FG License: Free game license right now but trying to figure out if I should buy FGC or FGU.
Time Zone: Mountain Time USA
Day(s) of week, frequency, and time: Friday evenings, or Sundays, weekly or bi-weekly is fine
Term: I am looking for a long term game. Like to build my character up and see them grow.
Voice: Happy to download whatever voice chat needed for the game.

Game System Preferred: Pathfinder, D&D 5E
Game System Experience: Main gaming experience is with D&D 3.5. Willing and excited to learn other gaming systems
Fantasy Grounds Experience: No experience yet with FG but I should be able to pick it up quickly.

Character Type Preferred: Willing to try any of the classes. In my 3.5 days I have played a wizard, rogue, cleric, fighter and paladin.
About me: I am happy with many different game types. The games I have been most invested in were ones that could balance the role playing with the combat. I am pretty laid back and not easily offended.

September 14th, 2020, 13:42
If you are only planning on playing, then just the free version will be fine for a long time. Later on, if you decide to GM, then that decision will need to be made then. Unity is the up and coming one, I think in a few years they were originally planning to phase Classic out, which is why they made them compatible. Try to play games in both then decide which you want, but keep in mind, Unity is still BETA. SO a work in progress that will get even better with time.
I'll be looking for players for Pathfinder come November, when I get laid off for the winter. Sorry I cant help you now.

September 14th, 2020, 17:38
Rogue, thank you for the guidance on FG and please do keep me in mind for that Pathfinder game in November.

Keep safe!