View Full Version : Targeting issues with CTRL key

September 13th, 2020, 01:51
Hi all - last session (9/10/20) I kept hearing from my players they were having difficulty assigning targets. As DM from my end I was unable to recreate the issue until I joined the game as a player and then attempted to cycle/tab through other programs.

When I had the player account open at first I was able to select targets with the CTRL key without issue, but as soon as I started to record the screen with x-box game bar, FGU started a bizarre behavior of acting like the CTRL key was being held even when I wasn't touching it. As soon as I tabbed over to another program and came back to that same instance of FGU it would start behaving normally again. From time to time it wasn't so clear cut...meaning its behavior was a bit more erratic - keeping the CTRL key selected when I cycled through programs sometimes, and others not.

I haven't been able to recreate this issue on my GM instance of FGU, only on the player side. It did happen on player side when tabbing through other programs besides x-box game bar. Has anyone else as a player experienced this? It makes you have to be almost neurotically careful when selecting targets as sometimes it's happening and others it's not.

It also doesn't allow your character to remain selected with arrows facing targets when it's behaving like you have the CTRL held down. The only way I've found to avoid this right now is if you decide you're not going to tab through any other programs while running FGU.

September 13th, 2020, 02:52
I wasn’t aware that FG ran in an x-box. I don’t think it is supposed to.

September 13th, 2020, 03:23
It’s a native app to windows 10. The issue occurs with other apps too not just that one.

September 13th, 2020, 03:35
Sorry I’m kind of lost. What’s a native app in Windows 10? You mentioned an Xbox which I understand is some kind of game console but I don’t see how that affects a proper computer.

September 13th, 2020, 05:22
I’m on a Windows 10 PC - I was using the native app to record the screen so I could show the PCs a video of how to properly target when the error I described above happened - the app just happens to be called Xbox game bar since it also works with Xbox

“Win+G it with Xbox Game Bar, the customizable, gaming overlay built into Windows 10. Xbox Game Bar works with most PC games, giving you instant access to widgets for screen capture and sharing, finding new teammates with LFG, and chatting with Xbox friends across Xbox console, mobile, and PC—all without leaving your game.“

This is all sort of besides the point though...the issue occurs when I don’t have Xbox game bar open as well. It occurs when I TAB over or select other programs and then go back over to FGU. The game suddenly acts as if I’m holding down the CTRL key when I’m not pressing anything. I can fix it by going into another program and then back into FGU. It only happens to players and not as a GM.

This happened to my other players on computers other than mine the last time we played so I’d be surprised if other people besides us haven’t had this issue. I’ll see what happens in this weeks game and report back.

September 13th, 2020, 06:16
Can you let us know what the date version was? And if all yoru players were on the same version?
Also, please let us know all extensions and themes you are running.

September 13th, 2020, 09:45
Ah, right. Sorry I wasn't aware that there was such a thing. I do know that Classic doesn't work with any kind of overlay (like Steam or Discord) so it may well be that Unity doesn't like them either. I've not noticed anything in Unity when I'm running multiple applications and switch between them - but I just use the taskbar to do the switching mostly or click the application I want on my other screen. As LE says maybe a step by step to reproduce - and make sure that you don't have any overlays running.