View Full Version : LFG: Sundays - Tuesdays Evenings, (CST) Preferably a D&D 5e campaign.

September 11th, 2020, 10:50
I have not created a character yet, but I am looking for a new group to join that has my schedule. I have only played D&D 5e for about two months before, and need a DM to recruit me into a campaign group, maybe even multiple campaigns. I am will to help any way I can but really I just love meeting new people and playing games together, getting to know one another throughout. I just bought Fantasy Grounds but have NO idea how to use it. If anyone is interested or in need of another character in their campaign/group, please let me know.

I am 26, Caucasian, Married. I work as Law Enforcement and have Sunday-Tuesdays off every week. I own a camera and microphone for discord, (or whatever is best for D&D groups to use)

I have played/enjoyed role-playing games for most of my life, and do not mind being "someone else" but it does take me just a little bit to be comfortable being anything other than myself until I get to know you, then I can pay attention to my character more!

If you have any questions, feel free to message me through here, but also you could message me on skype. My skype username is live:thegeoffreysharp