View Full Version : Simple Template

September 10th, 2020, 04:30
I am trying to wrap my head around templates. Until now I haven't needed to use them other than copy and paste ones that already exist. I read the Developer Guide info on it, and it made sense, but the words are not translating to understanding for me yet. Cracking open the different rulesets I feel like I am deep diving into template-inception.

What I am looking for is a simple extension that has a very basic template setup on it. I am usually a visual learner so once I see code in practice I have an easier time understanding it.

Anyone happen to have something laying around or mind throwing together something?

I would really appreciate it.

Moon Wizard
September 10th, 2020, 06:00
I don't have anything simple to throw your way; so hopefully one of the other community members has an idea for you.

The main thing to remember with templates is that they build on top of each other. If you look at any given template used in a window, you can follow the chain of templates until you get to the base control type (stringcontrol, numbercontrol, etc.), and basically combine all the tags, to see what it actually looks like when the tabletop resolves it.
