View Full Version : NPC Random Treasure Drops
September 6th, 2020, 14:16
The NPC Random Loot Drops extension is here to reduce your workload as a GM to quickly get unique treasure for your party!
Random Tresure Parcels:
Random Treasure Parcels can be found in the Parcel Library window or by clicking the new "Loot" button found on NPC's. Random Treasure Parcels can be filled with coin and items. If an item within the Random Treasure Parcel has the name of another Random Treasure Parcel, it will get the loot from that Random Treasure Parcel as well. If the item has the same name as a Table, it will roll on that table and add the loot to the same result parcel so everything is in one spot!
Loot Buttons:
The "Loot" button in the Combat Tracker will go through each Foe in the combat tracker; for each foe, it will see if a Random Treasure Parcel exists, and fetch the loot from that. If the Random Treasure Parcel doesn't exist, it will create one, finding any items the NPC has in its AC Text and in its Actions.
If you click on the "Loot" button on an NPC, it will either fetch an existing Random Treasure Parcel, or it will make one with items from their AC Text and any Actions that are the same name as an item that exists.
Tables can be enabled and conditions for each npc can be set so you can further customize your loot generation
Easy Random Treasure Parcel Building:
Drag and drop NPC's, Parcels, Random Treasure Parcels onto a Random Treasure Parcel to get all of their loot easily!
Parcels can now be enabled for harvesting. Items will gain a DC within enabled parcels and random treasure parcels. You can determine the skill rolled and how many items are lost or gained when failing or succeeding respectively.
When you roll your Harvest Roll, the score is compared to the dc of the items. If you match the dc, you get the specified number. If you fail by less than 5, you get half the amount. If you fail by 5 or more, you will lose items from the parcel. Items gained are automatically added to the PC (or npc if you have Map Parcels).
Parcels can be easily copied into random parcels by click of a button now.
Npcs have a button “harvest” to pull up a parcel with their name or a random treasure parcel with “Possible Harvest: their name” (created by converting a harvesting treasure parcel)
Map Parcels will have an option in the options menu to have a less specific “[MP] LOOT <type>” parcel. With the new option set to “off”, it will ignore subtypes. So you can have one “[MP] LOOT humanoid” rather than one for every subtype. Allowing you to prepare the harvesting rules for npc map drops.
Get it Here! (
Now on the Forge!! (
You can find me over at Rob Twohy's Discord Channel ( if you have any questions or problems.
MOD: Moved to Paid Creations
September 6th, 2020, 14:47
Hey, good to post your extension on the forum, although its not in the right section, should be here in with paid extension:
FGs updated their rules, recently, Diablobob, Mattekure, Madnomad and Kent are also in the sub-forum.
September 6th, 2020, 15:01
Hey, good to post your extension on the forum, although its not in the right section, should be here in with paid extension:
FGs updated their rules, recently, Diablobob, Mattekure, Madnomad and Kent are also in the sub-forum.
Whoops! Am I able to get a mod to move me please and thank you?
**thank you mods!
September 7th, 2020, 13:35
Updates are available on the DMsguild. Fixed a couple error messages, removed the Loot Tables button from the Combat Tracker and put an “Enabled/Disabled” button on Table records. A filter has been added to the Tables library window to sort between tables that have been enabled, disabled, or have yet to be set.
September 16th, 2020, 05:50
updates are available on DMsGuild. Removed the embedded code which would roll on Spell Components, Mundane Items, and the Individual Treasure: Challenge xx-xx tables, as i have introduced new features on tables themselves.
A button an text field have been added. You can enable or disable the table so that when you generate loot, it will roll for each npc if all conditions are true. You can enter a static number or a die expression to determine how many times it is rolled this way.
Conditions can be set so that the table only is rolled if the NPC being looted meets all the requirements. There are three parts of the conditions.
The First Condition dictates what part of the npc you are looking to compare to. It could be their name, type, speed, size, action names, trait names, ability scores, skills, HP, AC, AC Text, or CR.
The Second Condition dictates how you are going to compare the first and third condition.
"Matches" and "Not Matches" will look to see if the first and third condition are the same. (i.e. If the NPC Name is "Goblin Boss", and the third condition is "Goblin", if the second condition is set to Matches, it will return false, but Not Matches will return true; But if the third condition is "Goblin Boss", then Matches will return true and NotMatches will return false). Speed and skills are compared parsed. Meaning if your NPC has skills "Acrobatics +2, Athletics +4, Stealth +3", then the third condition will match if set to "Acrobatics +2", "Athletics +4", or "Stealth + 3".
"Is Less" and "Is More" will compare numbers and return if the statement is true or false (allowing or not allowing a roll on the table). These can be used to compare skills or speeds (i.e. if the NPC has "Acrobatics +2" and the third condition is "Acrobatics + 5" then it will return false if the second condition is set to Is More and true if set to Is Less.
"Contains" and "Not Contains" will look at the first condition to see if the third condition can be found, (i.e. if the name of the NPC is "Goblin Boss", and the second condition is set to Matches, and you compare to "Goblin", it will return true, as there is a "Goblin" in the name "Goblin Boss") returning true or false.
The Third Condition is a text field in which you can make a statement for your condition. It is not case sensitive.
If there are no conditions, the table will always roll for each npc when looting. If even one condition returns false, the table will not roll when looting.
Individual Treasure: Challenge 00-04 (Link found in Dungeon Masters Guide module)
Set two (2) conditions:
"type", "contains" "humanoid",
and "CR", "is less", "5".
This makes sure it only rolls for humanoids that have a CR less than 5.
Individual Treasure: Challenge 05-10(Link found in Dungeon Masters Guide module)
Set three (3) conditions:
"type", "contains", "humanoid";
"CR", "is more", "4";
and "CR", "is less", "11".
This makes sure it rolls only for humanoids with a CR greater than 4 and less than 11.
Individual Treasure: Challenge 11-16(Link found in Dungeon Masters Guide module)
Set three (3) conditions:
"type", "contains", "humanoid";
"CR", "is more", "10";
and "CR", "is less", "17".
This makes sure it rolls only for humanoids with a CR greater than 10 and less than 17.
Individual Treasure: Challenge 17+(Link found in Dungeon Masters Guide module)
Set two (2) conditions:
"type", "contains", "humanoid";
"CR", "is more", "16";
This makes sure it rolls only for humanoids with a CR greater than 16.
October 21st, 2020, 08:08
Update fixes error when generating ammunition.
January 27th, 2021, 17:54
updated with fixes:
table rolled items no longer provide a minimum of 2 items each result
added compatibility with the Random Spellbook Generator extension. If you have both extensions, when you loot an NPC that has a "Spellcasting" trait that has "wizard" in its text, a Spellbook item will be generated (or pulled from your library if it already exists) and added to the resulting loot.
January 28th, 2021, 02:14
Does the loot generation take into account all modules/libraries one has where items listed within them? (I.e. I have some magical item modules I've purchased - will looting take into account anything within those modules? If not, is there a way for me to be sure it does? Thank you in advance for your time.
January 28th, 2021, 02:20
Does the loot generation take into account all modules/libraries one has where items listed within them? (I.e. I have some magical item modules I've purchased - will looting take into account anything within those modules? If not, is there a way for me to be sure it does? Thank you in advance for your time.
if they are incorporated into tables, or if an NPC has an action with the same name as one of the items, or has it in their armor text, then it can. See the section about table Conditions.
Any table can have conditions set, or you can use the table nesting syntax to add new options to existing tables.
February 6th, 2021, 13:15
Fixes an issue where if you added an npc to the combat tracker from an encounter with a count higher than 1, each npc looted this way was looted a number of times equal to the count.
Fixes an issue where spellbook generation with the random spellbook generator extension enabled would only make spellbooks once per session
February 12th, 2021, 05:03
Updated for companion feature with Random Spellbook Generator extension.
Updated to include a selection for module to use for spells. Works with looting.
Adds an alternative option to the Random Spellbook Generator to generate spells for a random spellbook with a specific number of specific spell levels. (Does not effect looting)
The name and the description of the random spellbook generator now function like story templates, where you can use formatted text, and [table names in square brackets].
February 18th, 2021, 08:04
New update fixes looting npcs for their spells (needs update for NPC Random Treasure Drops extension and Random Spellbook Generator extension), and groups spells by level.
May 8th, 2021, 03:02
Updated to include rules for harvesting. Parcels can now be enabled for harvesting. Items will gain a DC within enabled parcels and random treasure parcels. You can determine the skill rolled and how many items are lost or gained when failing or succeeding respectively.
When you roll your Harvest Roll, the score is compared to the dc of the items. If you match the dc, you get the specified number. If you fail by less than 5, you get half the amount. If you fail by 5 or more, you will lose items from the parcel. Items gained are automatically added to the PC (or npc if you have Map Parcels).
Parcels can be easily copied into random parcels by click of a button now.
Npcs have a button “harvest” to pull up a parcel with their name or a random treasure parcel with “Possible Harvest: their name” (created by converting a harvesting treasure parcel)
Map Parcels will have an option in the options menu to have a less specific “[MP] LOOT <type>” parcel. With the new option set to “off”, it will ignore subtypes. So you can have one “[MP] LOOT humanoid” rather than one for every subtype. Allowing you to prepare the harvesting rules for npc map drops.
May 8th, 2021, 08:29
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! This works great with Monster Loot and appears to be good for Hamund's Harvesting Handbook as well. The additional functionality with Silentruin's Map Parcels is just more icing on the cake. Appreciate you adding this functionality in, it really speeds things up for me when there's a bunch of critters (I find it funny when the players who want to harvest complain when they have to roll for each critter they want to harvest).
May 8th, 2021, 22:34
Again a mind-blowing step forward. Fantastic!
May 11th, 2021, 12:13
Updated to include a harvest button on combat tracker and encounters that works similar to the loot button, but gathers and groups together harvesting parcels.
Also added alternative harvesting rules, where in it uses a single dc for the entire parcel, and items are harvested/destroyed by random selection upon success or failure.
May 11th, 2021, 13:51
Very cool additions. Thanks!
August 16th, 2021, 23:04
Updated to include a harvest button on combat tracker and encounters that works similar to the loot button, but gathers and groups together harvesting parcels.
Also added alternative harvesting rules, where in it uses a single dc for the entire parcel, and items are harvested/destroyed by random selection upon success or failure.
I notice the DC is now defaulting to 10 no matter which creature I select. I tested this with no other ext loaded and a couple of different npcs. I am using the harvest button on the CT. Good news is I can just enter the correct DC on each item in the parcel. Any thoughts to what be going on?
August 16th, 2021, 23:12
I notice the DC is now defaulting to 10 no matter which creature I select. I tested this with no other ext loaded and a couple of different npcs. I am using the harvest button on the CT. Good news is I can just enter the correct DC on each item in the parcel. Any thoughts to what be going on?
There's an “Option” to change the default dc from 8+ cr (minimum 10) to 10+ cr (minimum 10).
And it groups npc types together because of mass looting, makes it easier for the gm and players. If you prefer not to have groups, use the random parcel associated with the npc from the button on the stat block instead.
August 16th, 2021, 23:28
I do have it set to DC 10 in the options. I will get you some screens and post them.
August 16th, 2021, 23:58
Here is an example. Clean build. Click the harvest in the CT and this is what I get (windows just the left of the CT). If I open the npc and hit that harvest button you get the windows opened near chat.
August 17th, 2021, 00:09
Here is an example. Clean build. Click the harvest in the CT and this is what I get (windows just the left of the CT). If I open the npc and hit that harvest button you get the windows opened near chat.
Ok i understand. The dc beside the items is for Hammunds Harvesting, I don't have much automation for that DC, and have it based on item rarity.
Monster Loot has some automation for the dc for the entire parcel (click “alt harvesting checkbox).
August 17th, 2021, 00:37
Ok i understand. The dc beside the items is for Hammunds Harvesting, I don't have much automation for that DC, and have it based on item rarity.
Monster Loot has some automation for the dc for the entire parcel (click “alt harvesting checkbox).
I see now. Selecting alt has achieved the behavior I was looking for. Thank you.
August 20th, 2021, 17:28
So, I found another conflict with Kit'N'Kaboodle v 2.0.6 by MeAndUnique. When I open an item in the "Possible Harvest" parcel I get:
[8/20/2021 12:25:19 PM] [ERROR] Script execution error: [string "count"]:17: bad argument #2 to 'format' (number expected, got string)
It still opens, just throws the error.
Any thoughts?
August 30th, 2021, 02:05
Tonight, my party was harvesting and they ran into an issue with the roll request. When I click the button the roll happened but from my side so modifiers on the player in the CT were not added to the roll. Is that expected behavior?
Edit: in case others don't come to discord. This is expected behavior. Effects do not get applied from the CT. Thanks to pr6i6e6st for getting back to me.
December 19th, 2021, 21:28
Various fixes
“DELETE” can be added to the name of an item in a Random Parcel to have it removed from the generated final parcel (good for if you want to use the table name method but not have the table show up in the loot).
March 26th, 2022, 23:20
Thanks very much for the awesome mod. Just want check something. I am using custom currencies (not gp, cp, etc). When I create a custom loot table for the currencies I am using, it does not return cp, gp, etc and enter it into the currency fields of the loot parcel. Instead it populates it as an item. Is this normal behavior? Has anyone else tried it with custom currencies?
March 26th, 2022, 23:42
Thanks very much for the awesome mod. Just want check something. I am using custom currencies (not gp, cp, etc). When I create a custom loot table for the currencies I am using, it does not return cp, gp, etc and enter it into the currency fields of the loot parcel. Instead it populates it as an item. Is this normal behavior? Has anyone else tried it with custom currencies?
I just added a currency called “Test” and added it to a table. It gave the result parcel a currency called “Test”.
So let's ask
1: did you add the currency to the currency list found in Options?
2: is there any special characters for your currency? Perhaps the natural functions don't recognize some.
3: any other extensions that could be conflicting?
March 27th, 2022, 09:50
I just added a currency called “Test” and added it to a table. It gave the result parcel a currency called “Test”.
So let's ask
1: did you add the currency to the currency list found in Options?
2: is there any special characters for your currency? Perhaps the natural functions don't recognize some.
3: any other extensions that could be conflicting?
Thank you for the quick reply. Sent you a friend request on Discord. Will take some screenshots
March 27th, 2022, 09:59
I just added a currency called “Test” and added it to a table. It gave the result parcel a currency called “Test”.
So let's ask
1: did you add the currency to the currency list found in Options?
2: is there any special characters for your currency? Perhaps the natural functions don't recognize some.
3: any other extensions that could be conflicting?
Ok found the problem. I edited my new random parcels manually (i.e. I changed gp to Dragons, for example). I did the parcel from scratch and now see that it auto populates with the correct currencies from the Options menu. I will test if the tables work now and build from scratch. Will let you know if there are any issues. Thanks a million.
February 17th, 2024, 16:44
Just picked up the extension and looking forward to having the automation in my game.
Totally not trying to be picky here.... but my OCD wants to see the dead foes/all foes button moved so it doesn't overlap the combat tracker header.
I get an error when I hit the Harvest button (Script execution error: [string "..m Treasure Drops 5E:...cloot_functions.lua"]:1024: getValue: Invalid parameter 1)
Not planning to use harvesting rules anyway, is there a way to turn it off so maybe the foes button moves over?
February 17th, 2024, 17:51
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