View Full Version : LFG 1 Player LF Game Any Weeknight or Sundays GMT UK Time Zone prefer 5E

September 5th, 2020, 11:07
Hi All,

I'm a player from the UK that is looking for a regular group to play with.

I currently play with a group on a very flexible basis (sometimes don't play for weeks on end) and would like to have a more regular game group.

FG License: FG classic Ultimate license , FG Unity standard License
Time Zone: GMT
Day(s) of week, frequency, and time: Happy to play weekday evenings (19:00 - midnight GMT) or on Sundays (10:00 - midnight GMT), would like to play weekly or bi-weekly.
Term: Any
Voice: Can voice chat for gaming and am willing to download whichever software the group is using to voice chat during games.

Game System Preferred: D&D 5e, but happy to play others
Game System Experience: D&D 5e (Played on and off for about 2 years)
Fantasy Grounds Experience: Have played about 4 sessions in FG and have GM'd 1 session.

Character Type Preferred: No Preference
About me: I like to play games with a good mix of combat and role playing. Would prefer to play games where there is some out of character joking but am more than happy to play in character (accents are not my strong point but I often attempt them anyway). My play style is usually trying to get the best possible story and to have the most fun, whether or not my character is a main focus.