View Full Version : Stuck in "Starting Cloud Server Mode" Will not connect

September 4th, 2020, 00:30
See attached log. The cloud server will not start the game.

Moon Wizard
September 4th, 2020, 00:37
Thanks for the logs. I've also rolled back to the last build for now.


September 4th, 2020, 00:39
Thanks for all you do!

September 5th, 2020, 03:35
Hi. Any update on this issue. I am finding the same problem. Thanks.

September 5th, 2020, 09:49
I am also in the same boat right now, made sure to update as well.

September 5th, 2020, 10:30
Hi. Any update on this issue. I am finding the same problem. Thanks.

I am also in the same boat right now, made sure to update as well.

As Moon Wizard says the build was rolled back. If you can't update then go into settings and then advanced and change the Live to Prev and then update.

September 5th, 2020, 11:00
Hmm I must be doing something wrong then as still doesnt do anything for me :/

September 5th, 2020, 11:21
Try deleting the fantasygrounds.exe file from the install folder and then run the updater directly from the same location.

September 5th, 2020, 11:51
Still nothing :(

[9/5/2020 8:48:04 PM] FGU: v4.0.0 ULTIMATE (2020-09-03)
[9/5/2020 8:48:04 PM] OS: Windows 10 (10.0.0) 64bit
[9/5/2020 8:48:04 PM] GRAPHICS: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 : 8088
[9/5/2020 8:48:04 PM] USER: Ohbalgruuf
[9/5/2020 8:48:04 PM] Launcher scene starting.
[9/5/2020 8:48:35 PM] Starting cloud server mode. [Ohbalgruuf]
[9/5/2020 8:48:38 PM] [WARNING] NETWORK: Noble Connect [33678]: Shutting down because of fatal error: Failed to connect to relay server
[9/5/2020 8:48:38 PM] Fatal network engine error occurred. [Failed to connect to relay server]

[9/5/2020 8:48:04 PM] FGU: v4.0.0 ULTIMATE (2020-09-03)
[9/5/2020 8:48:04 PM] USER: Ohbalgruuf
[9/5/2020 8:48:35 PM] Noble Connect [30615]: Found host candidate: HOST [2001:8003:5139:e500:357e:6e7c:9f89:dc4d]:54321
[9/5/2020 8:48:35 PM] Noble Connect [30615]: Found host candidate: HOST [fe80::118:49ed:e8e9:1f09%12]:54322
[9/5/2020 8:48:35 PM] Noble Connect [30615]: Found host candidate: HOST
[9/5/2020 8:48:35 PM] Noble Connect [30615]: Found host candidate: HOST [::1]:54324
[9/5/2020 8:48:35 PM] Noble Connect [30615]: Found host candidate: HOST
[9/5/2020 8:48:35 PM] Noble Connect [30627]: Sending ALLOCATE REQUEST [1edf80e384b719721daa58e9] from [2001:8003:5139:e500:357e:6e7c:9f89:dc4d]:54321 to [2406:da1c:a2e:f9ff:40c5:b2c:de8b:f729]:3478
[9/5/2020 8:48:35 PM] Noble Connect [30647]: Sending ALLOCATE REQUEST [c263724d24310216947ded92] from [fe80::118:49ed:e8e9:1f09%12]:54322 to [2406:da1c:a2e:f9ff:40c5:b2c:de8b:f729]:3478
[9/5/2020 8:48:35 PM] Noble Connect [30667]: Sending ALLOCATE REQUEST [f6516304304bbcd194331a99] from to
[9/5/2020 8:48:35 PM] Noble Connect [30687]: Sending ALLOCATE REQUEST [585d38670574107b1c1c9688] from [::1]:54324 to [2406:da1c:a2e:f9ff:40c5:b2c:de8b:f729]:3478
[9/5/2020 8:48:35 PM] Noble Connect [30688]: Socket can not send [::1]:54324 -> [2406:da1c:a2e:f9ff:40c5:b2c:de8b:f729]:3478
[9/5/2020 8:48:35 PM] Noble Connect [30710]: Sending ALLOCATE REQUEST [b456aa53a17030ee10e49f90] from to
[9/5/2020 8:48:35 PM] Noble Connect [30710]: Socket can not send ->
[5/09/2020 8:48:35 PM] Noble Connect [30820]: Sending ALLOCATE REQUEST [1edf80e384b719721daa58e9] from [2001:8003:5139:e500:357e:6e7c:9f89:dc4d]:54321 to [2406:da1c:a2e:f9ff:40c5:b2c:de8b:f729]:3478
[5/09/2020 8:48:35 PM] Noble Connect [30847]: Sending ALLOCATE REQUEST [c263724d24310216947ded92] from [fe80::118:49ed:e8e9:1f09%12]:54322 to [2406:da1c:a2e:f9ff:40c5:b2c:de8b:f729]:3478
[5/09/2020 8:48:35 PM] Noble Connect [30867]: Sending ALLOCATE REQUEST [f6516304304bbcd194331a99] from to
[5/09/2020 8:48:36 PM] Noble Connect [31221]: Sending ALLOCATE REQUEST [1edf80e384b719721daa58e9] from [2001:8003:5139:e500:357e:6e7c:9f89:dc4d]:54321 to [2406:da1c:a2e:f9ff:40c5:b2c:de8b:f729]:3478
[5/09/2020 8:48:36 PM] Noble Connect [31247]: Sending ALLOCATE REQUEST [c263724d24310216947ded92] from [fe80::118:49ed:e8e9:1f09%12]:54322 to [2406:da1c:a2e:f9ff:40c5:b2c:de8b:f729]:3478
[5/09/2020 8:48:36 PM] Noble Connect [31267]: Sending ALLOCATE REQUEST [f6516304304bbcd194331a99] from to
[5/09/2020 8:48:36 PM] Noble Connect [32021]: Sending ALLOCATE REQUEST [1edf80e384b719721daa58e9] from [2001:8003:5139:e500:357e:6e7c:9f89:dc4d]:54321 to [2406:da1c:a2e:f9ff:40c5:b2c:de8b:f729]:3478
[5/09/2020 8:48:36 PM] Noble Connect [32047]: Sending ALLOCATE REQUEST [c263724d24310216947ded92] from [fe80::118:49ed:e8e9:1f09%12]:54322 to [2406:da1c:a2e:f9ff:40c5:b2c:de8b:f729]:3478
[5/09/2020 8:48:36 PM] Noble Connect [32067]: Sending ALLOCATE REQUEST [f6516304304bbcd194331a99] from to
[9/5/2020 8:48:38 PM] [ERROR] Noble Connect [33678]: Shutting down because of fatal error: Failed to connect to relay server

September 5th, 2020, 12:14
Try deleting the fantasygrounds.exe file from the install folder and then run the updater directly from the same location.

Tried that as well and still no joy.

September 5th, 2020, 12:39
When having the same problem, I simply cancel and start new until it works. Takes 10 times sometimes, but in the end it works :)

September 5th, 2020, 16:16
Came up with tu same solution, but it's quite annoying.

September 5th, 2020, 16:34
Same issue. Prev works.

Moon Wizard
September 5th, 2020, 22:13
Currently, Prev and Live are the same application. We only use the Prev channel when making network engine updates; and the last one was rolled back as Zacchaeus mentioned.

There's nothing that changed in the network components of FGU in the most recent build (I had to roll back those changes); so it should be the same implementation as previous to the last build for networking. We are aware that networking was not 100% with the previous build, which is why we were incorporating the new network library build in the first place.

My only thoughts right now are that perhaps something changed in the network facilitation service servers; or that changing executables has caused any firewall/security software to trigger.


September 13th, 2020, 06:35
I'm having the same problem. Campaign hangs in cloud server mode. Will only start in lan mode. Tried updating, even deleting exec and reinstalling through updaters, but hasn't worked yet.

Moon Wizard
September 14th, 2020, 04:48
The network facilitation service that we use found an issue with the East Asian servers this morning (US Pacific Time); and reset the servers and added additional measures to prevent the same issue from occurring. Please try again, and let us know.


September 14th, 2020, 15:29
Thank you. It's working now!