View Full Version : Looking for players. Friday evening games (EST). Nautical theme mini-adventure.

September 3rd, 2020, 18:11
FG License: FG Unity
Game System: D&D 5e

Time Zone: Eastern standard time
Day of week and time: Friday's from 6PM+
If new game, planned start date: Starting Sept 11th
Planned Duration & Frequency: Sessions will be weekly, and last 4 to 6 hours, possibly upwards of 7 if all players are able to. Usually 1 or 2 15-25 min breaks.
Term: 4 to 6 sessions, longest possible is 9 if the party really takes their time.

Text or Voice: Voice
Voice software used: Discord
Will this be recorded and/or live streamed? No.

Roleplay & Combat mix: Both.
Number of Players in game & needed: 4 to 6 (hoping for 5, maybe 6.)
Character starting level & equipment: Level 8 (base equipment, magic item(s) will be handled at session 0 or week leading up to session 1.
Character restrictions: Miniscule restrictions, UA stuff and Homebrew subclasses ARE allowed, but I would like to see such things first. Am restricting certain overly powerful or difficult to adjust for brews.

Hello, my name is Chris (KaWtEk), I am a 29y/o male, and an experienced DM, new to using the FGU program. I have written my first FGU Module, a nautical themed adventure for Level 8 characters that will span across a handful sessions (4 to 6 sessions).

I have already gathered 3, possibly 4 players, but am looking for more. The games will be played Friday Nights, starting at 6PM EST and running till 10 or 12. We will be using FGUnity, and Discord for voice chat and as a place to stay in communication and role play between sessions.
We will have a session 0 on the 4th, and then start the adventure on the 11th of Sept. Players are free to join between then, I am available most of the time to add you to the group, chat, and roll a character.

If the above appeals to you, and you wish to join, or have a further conversation please leave an application post with the following information:

-Name, age, pronoun.
-Years/months played D&D 5e.
-Your favorite thing about D&D, or a favorite story.
-An idea of the character you have in mind for this game, or maybe have been itching to play.

March 2nd, 2021, 21:34
thread closed