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September 3rd, 2020, 17:54
Fellow Traveller GMs and Developers,

#1) I am working on building a home grown campaign and at the same time learning the FGU system. I have come upon several speed bumps and sought help from the Support email, the tech directed me to this page to seek help "since your questions are all MGT2 specific" so here I am:

I launched my first game and found an unusual issue. In the notes: I have the folders listed as public and unlocked. They are all visible to the players however, inside them I have nested files, for example information or graphics. But the players cannot open them.

So I removed the nested files and made them stand alone files in the Notes folder. Again, public and unlocked, but again the players cannot actually open the files.

I tried multiple ways of locking, unlocking, closing and reopening ext. I finally just had to share my screen and open the notes there to share the information and keep the game moving forward. Sub optimal.

Can you tell me what I have failed to do to make the folders of information accessible to the players?

#2) I was trying to run a starship battle and get errors. I attached the log.39033 Perhaps someone saavy can have a look and tell me what's wrong?

#3) On the same subject (Space Combat) when I try to build an encounter I open up the battle build tab, and if I drag a spaceship from the ships list nothing happens. However, if I drag in a PC or NPC the encounter builds and allows me to put it in the battle tracker. Since the game is "Traveller" and space combat is integral to the genre I doubt that space combat was included before the product launched so I am clearly not doing it right. There is a dearth of instructional vids for Traveller (which frustrates the hell out of me), if anyone can provide guidance that would be great.

#4) In PC building on the Action Tab under Misc Action when I push the edit button it won't allow me to add one. How does one edit Misc Actions?

I have the FG User Manual 3.3 but it is all about D&D. I am only playing Traveller and not finding a user guide anywhere on how to build a game for my players. I am watching the vids and doing my best but I remain stymied.

Thank you fellow Travellers for assistance.


September 3rd, 2020, 18:11
For number 1:

What I do is I create a master notes entry, usually as a table. I put some random info in to reference whatever I plan to share. Then I drag whatever file as a link into one of the entries. At the same time, I also drag the file (image, world data, story, whatever) into the chat window. That makes it public.

Another way to do it would be to create a separate development campaign and export everything you want as a player module, however you cannot export notes so it might not work.

2 & 3 are coming soon with partial implementation but not actually working. MBM may have more to say on this.

4: I'm not at my PC atm, so can't help. If nobody has said anything when I am I'll try and get back to you.

September 3rd, 2020, 20:53
Fellow Traveller GMs and Developers,

#1) I am working on building a home grown campaign and at the same time learning the FGU system. I have come upon several speed bumps and sought help from the Support email, the tech directed me to this page to seek help "since your questions are all MGT2 specific" so here I am:

I launched my first game and found an unusual issue. In the notes: I have the folders listed as public and unlocked. They are all visible to the players however, inside them I have nested files, for example information or graphics. But the players cannot open them.

So I removed the nested files and made them stand alone files in the Notes folder. Again, public and unlocked, but again the players cannot actually open the files.

I tried multiple ways of locking, unlocking, closing and reopening ext. I finally just had to share my screen and open the notes there to share the information and keep the game moving forward. Sub optimal.

Can you tell me what I have failed to do to make the folders of information accessible to the players?

#2) I was trying to run a starship battle and get errors. I attached the log.39033 Perhaps someone saavy can have a look and tell me what's wrong?

#3) On the same subject (Space Combat) when I try to build an encounter I open up the battle build tab, and if I drag a spaceship from the ships list nothing happens. However, if I drag in a PC or NPC the encounter builds and allows me to put it in the battle tracker. Since the game is "Traveller" and space combat is integral to the genre I doubt that space combat was included before the product launched so I am clearly not doing it right. There is a dearth of instructional vids for Traveller (which frustrates the hell out of me), if anyone can provide guidance that would be great.

#4) In PC building on the Action Tab under Misc Action when I push the edit button it won't allow me to add one. How does one edit Misc Actions?

I have the FG User Manual 3.3 but it is all about D&D. I am only playing Traveller and not finding a user guide anywhere on how to build a game for my players. I am watching the vids and doing my best but I remain stymied.

Thank you fellow Travellers for assistance.


2 & 3 are coming, the 'testing' version (an extension) will be here next week.
4. You cannot add Misc-Actions. If you need this, let me know as they're handled by skills at the moment.


September 3rd, 2020, 21:33
I tried doing the table idea you suggested (see screen capture) but it looked wonky so I decided to try creating a note (as seen) and doing your drag and drop idea. That is good for brief text, thank you.

You triggered the thought though to use my Google Drive. So all the files I was building and putting in FGU (see at left of screen capture) I put in GD and will give the players the link and permissions to see the files.

what d'ya think? 39036

September 3rd, 2020, 21:37
I tried doing the table idea you suggested (see screen capture) but it looked wonky so I decided to try creating a note (as seen) and doing your drag and drop idea. That is good for brief text, thank you.

You triggered the thought though to use my Google Drive. So all the files I was building and putting in FGU (see at left of screen capture) I put in GD and will give the players the link and permissions to see the files.

what d'ya think? 39036

Sorry, what I meant was a formatted table inside a note, not a table table.

September 3rd, 2020, 21:47
2 & 3 are coming, the 'testing' version (an extension) will be here next week.
4. You cannot add Misc-Actions. If you need this, let me know as they're handled by skills at the moment.


Argh...Why did they launch Traveller without Space Combat capability?

Yes, I would like to be able to add misc actions or at a minimum shouldn't the skills just automatically populate there?

Would you happen to know why my module is not loading right? I have the Adventure Template module activated (see image at left) but I keep getting this big error window now.39037

I just noticed you are in the UK. I lived there for 5 years, a little place called Geddington when I was at RAF Molesworth.

September 3rd, 2020, 22:11
Answering questions one by one,

Space combat is tbh the very worst kind of combat your players should be involved in. the system itself doesn't encourage that kind of encounter, work through it via role play.

If you could specifically explain further about what misc actions it would help

Well from the image you posted I'd say the actual module your trying to access isn't loaded, rather than the game modules which are loaded.

September 3rd, 2020, 22:14
Brief history of spacecraft.

In the beginning there was Traveller MGT1 and Starfinder, both built on CoreRPG and both needing a spacecraft system.

SmiteWorks figure it would be good to add vehicles to CoreRPG to support these and potentially future rulesets, so they hired a developer to do it. The plan was build for Starfinder first to get it working. This was probably around Spring of 2018.

The developer worked on it for awhile but never finished, SmiteWorks hired another some months later and also dropped off the radar. There was sadness here on the Traveller forums because SmiteWorks had blown their budget on the first two developers and wasn't super enthused to do that again.

MadBeardMan turned his attention to Central Supply Catalog and High Guard became a hopefully someday.

The Unity Kickstarter did super fantastic enough that SmiteWorks hired two full time developers (as opposed to community developers) one of which was SuperTeddy57. His first (I believe) task was get the Starfinder starship system completed. I don't play Starfinder but I spent a lot of time watching the development and testing, It was really a great system. Sadly CSC required a lot of changes and High Guard was still on the horizon.

Note, it was decided early that starships would go into High Guard because ship design wouldn't come around until then so made sense to develop all those systems together so as to prevent having to redesign systems over and over again.

So where we are now

Now CSC is almost in the rearview and High Guard is in testing, the components are all finally in place to implement starship combat. Like CSC components will be added into High Guard over time.

What has happened with major releases is the foundation comes out with a basic update plan. Then we all drop list upon list upon list of what cool stuff we want to see. MBM reads our list, begs for mercy and then does his best to implement what can be done, thinks about what can't be done, and then sometimes surprises us by figuring out how to do it. It takes time, we don't always get everything, but we get quite a bit.

So that, in a nutshell is why we couldn't have spacecraft combat sooner. :)

I need to learn not to type long messages on my Kindle.

September 3rd, 2020, 23:54
:) kudos esmdev, thats a fairly comprehensive answer, probably more than needed, but appreciate all the same.

MBM has his hands full making all the other stuff we keep asking for, and the list grows :)

September 4th, 2020, 13:04
:) kudos esmdev, thats a fairly comprehensive answer, probably more than needed, but appreciate all the same.

MBM has his hands full making all the other stuff we keep asking for, and the list grows :)

Crumbs, some awfully nice things said here. If we could convince another 400% over who play and purchase the ruleset/books I could go full time on this. Sadly schools (and as such Real Life) are back.

Though, new post tonight with the SCT stuff, just for you folks.


September 4th, 2020, 20:06
MBM is doing a great job here. He has his hands full. And it's not just adventures and/or rulebooks like high guard. It's the constant evolvement of the ruleset as a whole. You want high guard, you need to adapt the ruleset. You want space battles, you need to adapt the ruleset.
Additionally, there are adventures like Drainax etc. which have so much data, that you sit days and weeks just to enter it. And then you have more and more additions to the ruleset with an adventure like this, as there are new aliens and new careers to introduce.

It is a mammoth task in the best of times. And having a job and family, this means there is not that much time left.

So kudos to MBM who is the superhero of Traveller here.

September 5th, 2020, 17:41
Brief history of spacecraft.

In the beginning there was Traveller MGT1 and Starfinder, both built on CoreRPG and both needing a spacecraft system.

SmiteWorks figure it would be good to add vehicles to CoreRPG to support these and potentially future rulesets, so they hired a developer to do it. The plan was build for Starfinder first to get it working. This was probably around Spring of 2018.

The developer worked on it for awhile but never finished, SmiteWorks hired another some months later and also dropped off the radar. There was sadness here on the Traveller forums because SmiteWorks had blown their budget on the first two developers and wasn't super enthused to do that again.

MadBeardMan turned his attention to Central Supply Catalog and High Guard became a hopefully someday.

The Unity Kickstarter did super fantastic enough that SmiteWorks hired two full time developers (as opposed to community developers) one of which was SuperTeddy57. His first (I believe) task was get the Starfinder starship system completed. I don't play Starfinder but I spent a lot of time watching the development and testing, It was really a great system. Sadly CSC required a lot of changes and High Guard was still on the horizon.

Note, it was decided early that starships would go into High Guard because ship design wouldn't come around until then so made sense to develop all those systems together so as to prevent having to redesign systems over and over again.

So where we are now

Now CSC is almost in the rearview and High Guard is in testing, the components are all finally in place to implement starship combat. Like CSC components will be added into High Guard over time.

What has happened with major releases is the foundation comes out with a basic update plan. Then we all drop list upon list upon list of what cool stuff we want to see. MBM reads our list, begs for mercy and then does his best to implement what can be done, thinks about what can't be done, and then sometimes surprises us by figuring out how to do it. It takes time, we don't always get everything, but we get quite a bit.

So that, in a nutshell is why we couldn't have spacecraft combat sooner. :)

I need to learn not to type long messages on my Kindle. Mind blown. I didn't know anything about the process. Thank you for bringing me up to speed.