View Full Version : LFG 1 Player LF Weekday or Weeknight Game EST US Time Zone prefer 5E

September 3rd, 2020, 17:25
Standard FG Licenses both Classic and Unity.
EST US Time Zone Available 11:AM thru Midnight. Looking for weekly game, bi-weekly, or monthly game.
Long term, or a one-shots considered.
Voice chat using Discord. Video and steaming considered as will alternate setups.
Game System Preferred: D&D 5E, will consider older versions.
Playing and DMing D&D since white box in the seventies. Attended many GenCons. Already played Storm King’s Thunder, Curse of Strahd and Lost Mine of Phandelver in 5th on alternate desktop system.
Beginner Fantasy Grounds Experience have attended many of the FGC classes and played in a one-shot game.
No character limitations, prefer human: barbs, clerics, thieves or MU’s.
Preferred game balance (Combat/Problem Solving/Role-Playing: 30/30/40). OOC banter and joking okay if not disruptive to the story flow. Personally, I am low keyed and able to get along with most anyone, but my character will follow his back-story personality.