View Full Version : 1 Player LFG D&D 5E CST (During school hours or after "bedtime")

September 1st, 2020, 01:24
Strange requirements on the title line? Well, I'm a SAHM. I have to be available to my daughter after school hours. Family comes first.
M-F 8 am-3 pm and after 8 pm She gets out of school at 3 and is home by 3:30. I cannot have it extend past 3 pm CST, her bedtime is 7:30, so I'm usually available again around 8 pm.
S & S - after 8pm. Sorry, I just cannot play during the weekend when most people are available until after she goes to bed.

Yes, I'm a chick. Normally my characters are male, but not exclusively. However, since I've run into this with another group I feel the need to say this: My character is not going to be interested in your character's @$$ or any other part of their body. Don't ask my character to touch your characters @$$, abs, or any other body part. If you play a naked barbarian, I don't care, but don't sit there every session and say my character is checking you out. I don't find this amusing.

I'm sure this makes me sound like a b!tc#, but I have to make my availability and limits clear. My last group would tell you that I'm a sarcastic smartass and I love to laugh. "If you can laugh at yourself, you'll never run out of good material." I would love a group that allows for homebrew, but that's not a requirement.

I do have some game experience, I'm familiar with Fantasy Grounds, but I've only played parts of 3 modules. Unfortunately, groups keep breaking up before we get very far.

September 1st, 2020, 05:02
Lol, love your attitude already. I have openings on thursday and saturday 7-11pm cst (UTC/GMT -4), dont care if you are an hour late. Another player can play your character.

Thursday = Legacy of the Shard 3 part series Red Wizards of Thay (one shots) the game will go into Rime of the Frost Maiden (campaign) Level 1.

Saturday = White Plume Mountain going into Tomb of Horrors, Expedition to the Barrier Peaks, and caverns. This is Level 5.

set a time and date, if you are interested, to roll up your character.

FG Unity (Ultimate, can do demos if you do not have it)

send me your discord handle I will send u login info as we use discord for CA.

September 1st, 2020, 05:05
Almost forgot, you will have access to over 100+ races/subraces and over 100 classes/subclasses and if you are a spell caster over 10,000 spells and counting. I have nearly automated FG to the fullest. New character sheets have been implemented all effects (90%) has been implemented making your life as a spell caster or other class simplified.

September 1st, 2020, 06:18
Lol, love your attitude already. I have openings on thursday and saturday 7-11pm cst (UTC/GMT -4), dont care if you are an hour late. Another player can play your character.

Thursday = Legacy of the Shard 3 part series Red Wizards of Thay (one shots) the game will go into Rime of the Frost Maiden (campaign) Level 1.

Saturday = White Plume Mountain going into Tomb of Horrors, Expedition to the Barrier Peaks, and caverns. This is Level 5.

set a time and date, if you are interested, to roll up your character.

FG Unity (Ultimate, can do demos if you do not have it)

send me your discord handle I will send u login info as we use discord for CA.

I sent you a PM here with my Discord. Hope to hear from you.

September 2nd, 2020, 01:16
Are you still looking for a group? I just happen to have my Monster Hunter setting have an opening

Game time is every Thursday from 7-10PM EST so I think that might work out for you. Setting is very Homebrew with custom Magic system, Cooking, Healing, Leveling, and other Mechanics. No real BBEG but the monsters hit like a truck and Death is a real thing. The central focus is focusing around funds and what to do with what you have.

As for Abs touching I'm sure my own wife would have a few words with me LOL. I got my own 3 kiddos so I'm kinda in the same boat you are about bed time.

September 2nd, 2020, 02:13
Thanks, but the gentleman above you already filled my Thursday slot. It seems to be a popular day.

September 2nd, 2020, 02:14
Roger, Hope it works well for ya.

September 4th, 2020, 19:21
Well she decided to take advantage of the now over 200 races and 100+ classes/subclasses that were offered and she decided to play outside the box. her first night on the job went exceedingly well with over 3 kills and a song. while 4 other allies bit the dust. It was all up to her an the alien monk (Monk Colliatur) race an class. oh BTW she plays a Satyr Bard and accounted for 50% of enemy deaths who were from level 3-5, while they were level 1.

Saturday - she will be startin off with an interesting intro and entry. She will be playing a cursed werebear fighter I believe caught in the middle of a halfway transformation. We shall see how the heroes react to her.

September 10th, 2020, 00:24
Lol, love your attitude already. I have openings on thursday and saturday 7-11pm cst (UTC/GMT -4), dont care if you are an hour late. Another player can play your character.

Thursday = Legacy of the Shard 3 part series Red Wizards of Thay (one shots) the game will go into Rime of the Frost Maiden (campaign) Level 1.

Saturday = White Plume Mountain going into Tomb of Horrors, Expedition to the Barrier Peaks, and caverns. This is Level 5.

set a time and date, if you are interested, to roll up your character.

FG Unity (Ultimate, can do demos if you do not have it)

send me your discord handle I will send u login info as we use discord for CA.

are there any spots left in your game?

September 10th, 2020, 16:03
All my games are booked as of now, except Thursday. 1 opening left 7-11pm cst (GMT/UTC - 6). Thursday is Legacy just started.