View Full Version : Map view for streaming (LOS)

August 30th, 2020, 01:22

I'll caveat that I haven't streamed a lot and I've watched minimal FGU streamed content, but I did search through the forum first.

Anyway, the question is what map view do you personally use if you stream a game?
Obviously I can run a second instance of FGU and show the player map, but the LOS seems to only be active for either that instance's player or a selected player.

I was thinking for audience purposes it would be nicest to allow them to see a player view with the LOS of all active characters and it wouldn't spoil things too much for the players if they happened to look at the stream. I couldn't figure out a way to do this, but I have a few hack type ideas. skeptical they'll work, but I haven't tried them yet. Obviously you can just share the DM map, but is that what most people do?

Apologies if this is somewhere I didn't readily find on the forum.



August 30th, 2020, 01:34
If you change the option Party Vision to On then a player client without a specific player token selected will default to showing a combined view of all the PCs tokens.

August 30th, 2020, 04:02
Thank you!

August 30th, 2020, 07:55
If you change the option Party Vision to On then a player client without a specific player token selected will default to showing a combined view of all the PCs tokens.

Is this correct? Without a token selected I'm fairly sure that all that will be seen is a gray window. I thought the Party vision and movement option basically allowed any player to click on any friendly token and see what that token could see - rather than seeing only what their own token could see. I haven't been able to test this option since it doesn't work using localhost - since obviously I own all the tokens.

August 30th, 2020, 08:13

I wouldn't consider my brief test absolutely conclusive, but I started FGU (ult) and loaded a private cloud campaign which had a couple player characters on a map (no players joined) then I launched a second instance on the same PC and joined that campaign. I found as long as I did not select any of the tokens on the client then I would see all updates for both PCs I did on the DM map in real time with both fog of war and explored areas apparently correct (I did it quickly and wasn't trying to find potential bugs).
I did find that if I ever selected a token in the client then it reverted to only that tokens vision and history. However, if I closed and reloaded the map it went back to party vision.

hopefully I can get my friends off their butts and into a campaign shortly. :)


August 30th, 2020, 09:38
Yes, that's the extent of my testing as well. And the problem is that by connecting via localhost you effectively own both characters. In my testing unless you click on a token on the map on the client side you will only see the LoS reveal when the DM moves one of the tokens. The LoS reveal is determined by the player who owns the token rather than by the token itself. The best test will be when players are actually joined as you say.

August 30th, 2020, 09:39
I can confirm, when no token is selected on the client side, then one seemingly sees the sum of all allowed visions :)

EDIT: One can also deselect a token again by clicking on it, then the total sum comes back :) One does not need to reopen the image :)

August 30th, 2020, 10:13
Yes, that's the extent of my testing as well. And the problem is that by connecting via localhost you effectively own both characters. In my testing unless you click on a token on the map on the client side you will only see the LoS reveal when the DM moves one of the tokens. The LoS reveal is determined by the player who owns the token rather than by the token itself. The best test will be when players are actually joined as you say.

I think the problem is that one needs to select a token first to force an update of the LoS, it looks like that the LoS may not get updated when a map with preplaced tokens is shared, afterwards one can then deselect the token to get the total sum of visions :) And I think localhost should be able to test that? As far as I know the localhost should completely simulate a player instance, I think? (Except for bandwidth stuff of course :D)

August 30th, 2020, 19:28
Yes it works, I had one of my players just confirm it with me.