View Full Version : What are the differences between FGC and Unity ?

August 29th, 2020, 08:32
It's great to see Unity available on steam, along with upgrade paths, thank you for that.

I was about to hit purchase then I thought apart from Unity being able to run on the Mac Catalina OS and the improved fog of war system, does it actually justify me upgrading my ultimate license?

What are the current fundamental improvements to justify an upgrade?
What are the proposed future upgrades to justify an upgrade?

Advice and comments will be appreciated.

August 29th, 2020, 08:35
I get these, but is there more ? EG: sound support

64-bit support to allow for more content (quality and quantity)
Native support for Window and Mac OSX 64-bit (Linux at official launch in Spring 2020)
Network lobby for easy hosting and joining of games (no port forwarding required)
Tile based map building
Enhanced Drawing Tools
Additional Dice Macros support
Dynamic Line of Sight for walls, doors, terrain and secret doors
Paint with images, such as walls
Animated image effects
Backward compatibility with all existing campaigns and DLC from FGC

August 29th, 2020, 08:55
Does all the set adventures automatically have terrain and the new fog of war in the packs on unity or is it the same as classic and I would have to go add in walls etc.

August 29th, 2020, 09:42
There is no sound support; there will be more stuff down the line but what you have in your list is pretty much the main things that are different.

If you look in the store you will see modules a LoS symbol on modules which have the Line of Sight built in. There has been a community project on the go since Alpha to add LoS to modules. https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?50591-FGU-Sharing-LOS-Definitions-for-Maps-Crowd-Project

Any content released since Unity was released will have LoS biuilt in.

August 29th, 2020, 09:43
Thanks, I just bought the upgrade

August 29th, 2020, 09:48
last question I want to design a new UI for Star Wars, how easy is it to implement my Adobe XD designs into the Untity Framework, the UX is far from perfect

August 29th, 2020, 10:01
You'll need to do any changes to rulesets in the ruleset code - which is xml and lua. You can't access any Unity code - only FG code.