View Full Version : Dumb Question Trying to Remove Effects

August 29th, 2020, 04:32
Hello All,

With COVID, my group is moving to FG now. Previously, we have used D&DBeyond to maintain our character sheets, but our DM was able to import them all using a XML importer. Everything worked pretttty dang well, actually (as a Barb... my stuff is actually pretty simple). A few edits here or there on some weird weapons, but otherwise, pretty good!

One thing I noticed was an issue with Brutal Critical. For some reason, the XML importer decided to do it as 3d8 extra damage on crits. Except, I, still trying to play around and get used to it, turned on that effect too many times, and then was rolling like 12d8 for crits (while still trying to get acclimated). I figured out that it was coming from there, so I deleted the effect (especially when there is already another way to add in the extra dice). However, I cant seem to remove the effect? In fact, there are several effects I can't seem to remove.... See the image. Some, I can remove no problem, but some dont show up with any sort of "Delete Effect" button. What gives? How do I remove these? Is it something my DM will have to do?

Thank you!

August 29th, 2020, 04:48
Welcome to the forums :)

Players can only remove effects that they themselves have applied. If it was applied by a different player then the other player or the DM needs to remove the effect. The DM can remove all effects. Check to see if the DM can remove them.

August 29th, 2020, 05:07
Or have the DM use this:

August 29th, 2020, 23:49
Thanks guys. DM was able to remove them all. He just wasnt on at the time and busy, and I was inpatient :P