View Full Version : Best way to work Bard signature spells?

August 28th, 2020, 15:25
Forgive the newbie questions, I'm still new-ish to both FGU and PF2.

Our bard has just achieved level 3, and acquired Signature Spells as an ability. I'm trying to figure out how to implement them in the FGU character sheet.

Experience allows you to cast some spells more flexibly. For each spell level you have access to, choose one spell of that level to be a signature spell. You don’t need to learn heightened versions of signature spells separately; instead, you can heighten these spells freely. If you’ve learned a signature spell at a higher level than its minimum, you can also cast all its lower-level versions without learning those separately. If you swap out a signature spell, you can choose a replacement signature spell of the same spell level at which you learned the previous spell. You can also retrain specifically to change a signature spell to a different spell of that level without swapping any spells; this takes as much time as retraining a spell normally does.

I've dug through ShadeRaven's module to little success, and attempted several searches here.

Left to my own devices, I've guessed the way is to indicate which spell(s) are designated to be a Signature Spell, and if they are able to be heightened, I just add them to the appropriate spell levels as part of the bard's repertoire -- e.g., if the bard chooses Spirit Link I would just add it to both 1st- and 2nd-level.

Is there a better way? Or do I have a fundamental misunderstanding of the ability?

August 28th, 2020, 21:17
That's what I do, big. Put them in all available levels for that spell. As for designation as a signature spell, I just add either an * or (S) before the spell's name to show they are one. It also puts them at the top of the spell list for that level, which players tend to like (having their spell schools or signature spells toward the top).

August 28th, 2020, 21:23
Thank you, ShadeRaven. Gentleperson and a scholar.

August 30th, 2020, 15:03
You may want to consider noting both that they are a signature spell, and what level are signature for. For example, my party's bard has Fear as a signature spell, but she took it as a 3rd level signature spell, not 1st. So we put (S3) at the end of the name of each of her copies of Fear at each level. That way if she ever retrains a signature spell, she knows which ones she took at which level.