View Full Version : Host Campaign vs Load Campaign Buttons

August 28th, 2020, 01:53
I have set up on my laptop two instances of FGU. The first for the DM and the second is for players on a connected TV monitor. I have the main FGU up and running, but I have a "Load Campaign" button instead of a "Host Campaign" button (see Hosting a Campaign in the wiki). Because of that, when I start the 2nd instance of FGU, I cannot "Join Campaign" because my username is not in the "Cloud." Am I doing something wrong?

2nd related question: Has FGU solved the issue of showing the GM map on the main monitor (laptop) and showing a player map on a second monitor (TV)?

P.S. Yea! FGU on Steam! (I had to pay full price of ~$40 instead of the discounted price for already having FGC, though.)

Moon Wizard
August 28th, 2020, 03:23
If you set the Server Type to LAN, then you have to connect your second instance to "localhost" using the Join By IP and Port field on the Join Campaign screen.
If you set the Server Type to Cloud, then you have to connect to your FG user name (astromath) using the Join By GM Name field on the Join Campaign screen.

Running two instances is still required to show separate GM and player views.


August 28th, 2020, 04:22
Re: #1

Cloud says I'm offline. I have no idea how to become online.

As for LAN: There's 2 internal IPs (IPv4 & IPv6) and 2 external IPs (IPv4 & IPv6).

This is highly confusing and I've tried to find the answer through the wiki with no success.

Re: #2

Opinion: I wish the GM had the capability of using a 2nd monitor for players only. This is for table top games.

P.S. Did the "Host Campaign" button change to "Load Campaign" button?

Moon Wizard
August 28th, 2020, 06:29
1) What option did you select for your campaign? Cloud or LAN?
If Cloud option checked and it is saying offline, check the logs by typing /console on the GM machine; and hitting the Compile Logs button to get the logs to review with you.

2) Since you need two screens to view the GM and player view separately anyway, two instances is usually just a good a method as any other. Just stretch the correct window on each display.

3) Yes


August 28th, 2020, 13:26
Here are the logs in zip format.

August 28th, 2020, 17:32
I can get it to work with LAN but not with Cloud. Still don't know why. With the Cloud, the DM instance says I'm connected, but with the Player instance, it says I'm not. This goes for both Public & Private.

Other problem: Not all the PCs show up on the "Player" instance that's on the "DM" instance. When I "force add" them through importing, it seems to link the imported PCs as one PC as far as tokens on the map is concerned. I click on one token, but the LOS for both tokens show up instead of just the chosen token.

Moon Wizard
August 28th, 2020, 21:32
Can you get me the logs from running a GM instance only after you load your campaign? (Type /console in chat, and click Compile Logs button)
Logs are only saved for one restart of FGU (current session plus last session); plus two instances on same machine write to same log location.


August 28th, 2020, 22:43
Here are the new logs from Chat.

Moon Wizard
September 1st, 2020, 06:58
For this one, did you check the lobby server after the tabletop fully loaded to see if your server is listed and available to connect to by players? (i.e. don't try to connect until the loading screen goes away.)

I see that your machine takes a while to load the files which causes some stalls with the lobby server connection, but I don't see any errors after warning which should indicate that the server is running and has registered a lobby match.


September 1st, 2020, 07:02
How do you check the lobby server without starting the 2nd instance?

September 1st, 2020, 08:08
You start the second instance - but only after the first has fully loaded.

September 3rd, 2020, 04:37
Here is a screenshot of the second instance after the first is fully loaded with the campaign running. As you can see, the 2nd instance does not have access to me in the cloud even though the 1st instance seems ok. The LAN version is fine.

Moon Wizard
September 3rd, 2020, 07:21
Are the campaigns the same name? If the history entry is for a differently named campaign, then it won't show green.


September 3rd, 2020, 11:13
Yes, they are the same name.

September 5th, 2020, 06:57
I still can't get the cloud to work. I can connect with the LAN.