View Full Version : Looking for advice for a really good 5E D&D campaign for FGU

August 23rd, 2020, 09:59
Hi all.

My group is just coming the end of Princes of the Apocalypse, and had (are having - if they survive the final encounters!) a complete blast. They loved the dungeon centric play, with a good town based site (Red Larch) with interesting NPCs to fall back on.

That said, we are looking for a new adventure to kick off on - starting at L1, taking them up to L13+ (if possible). Anyone have any suggestions for a good long series of adventures that are ready to run in FGU (LOVING LOS, but would love limited sight, where night vision has range, even more - hint hint :-) ) ? Something with a similar feel to the POTA above - some good NPC interactions and (being honest) some fun and dangerous fights :-)

Anyone any ideas/suggestions?



Three of Swords
August 23rd, 2020, 14:55
FGU doesn't have the capability to limit distance of vision yet. It's supposed to be high on the priority list after the full release, but for now, don't expect it any time soon.

As for a module suggestion, I haven't played very many of the official modules. So this suggestion is uninformed. But since your players seem to like the dungeon aspect, maybe Dungeon of the Mad Mage? It's located in Waterdeep. I haven't played it, but a co-worker liked it a lot.

But that's level 5-20, so you might need a "starter" adventure like Lost Mine of Phandelver or Waterdeep: Dragon Heist. My personal suggestion would be Phandelver. I played both and did not care for Dragon Heist. But Phandelver is really good. It's mostly 'dungeons' with a small village as your base of operations.

August 23rd, 2020, 17:36
Hmm, I don't have a definitive suggestion, but I will tell you my experiences and opinions.

I've run PotA so I think I know what you are going for.

Dragon Heist is a good setting for roleplaying. By it self, imo, it is a bad adventure. If you want to make it a great adventure, use the Alexandrian Remix, https://thealexandrian.net/wordpress/41217/roleplaying-games/dragon-heist-remix-part-1-the-villains (if you like the idea and are going to use the Remix, after reading post one, read Part 7.) I was working on putting the Remix into FG, but never finished it and have moved on. Hopefully one day I will get back to it.

After DH, you can go two ways;
1) Dungeon of the Mad Mage and folks seem to either love or hate this module. It's a lot like a traditional mega dungeon, but is very different than feeling than the original Undermountain.
2) Beyond Icespire (Storm Lord's Wrath, Sleeping Dragon Wake, Divine Contention) actually work really well after DH, and is what I'm running now for my group that ran DH Remixed. Though I've added to them for my group, and their are some minor inconsistancies, I like them. See plot summaries I wrote for the first two here; https://www.reddit.com/r/DragonOfIcespirePeak/comments/i5012o/plot_summary_storm_lords_wrath/ and here; https://www.reddit.com/r/DragonOfIcespirePeak/comments/i6anbx/plot_summary_sleeping_dragons_wake/

You could start Beyond Icespire with Dragons of Icespire Peak as it was originally written. I don't have it and have not read it, but have heard mixed reviews, mostly poor. Plus it's not really well integrated into the Beyond story line, or the other way around). In general it really only takes place in a nearby area and shares a few NPCs, but it not much of a continuation.

There are other options as well, but I don't have direct experience with them so I'll let you gather opinions on the other modules from someone else :)

August 24th, 2020, 08:47
Thank you both - I will have a look and see what appeals, Very much appreciate the advice.

The Dungeons of the Mad Mage appeals to the Old School DM in me (basically, the players are going into a hole in the ground risking life and limb to get money/treasure), but I need to figure out how my players will react. I suspect that unless there is an over-arching plot line that they can interact with (and affect), the initial fun and games of fighting/treasure/levelling etc. will pale after a while. I guess I am worried about the game spluttering out if it gradually becoming a chore for the players, rather than a fun "OK - this time we take down xxxxx AND his followers!!". Having a central themed bad guy (aka "target" :-) ) is core to the narrative part of the story I think - not sure that DotMM provides that?

I will certainly have a look at the Icespire series - not actually heard of those before, so I need to do some investigation. If they tie in well into DH, then that may be the way to go....

Thanks again.


Jan van Leyden
August 24th, 2020, 10:54
One remark concerning Dungeon of the Mad Mage: most of the levels have just one way up and one way down. If you want the classic mega-dungeon fealing with lots of options for the characters changein (dungeon) levels, you'll have to modify it quite a bit. Each map sports several marks like "you may extend the level here," but doing so and add more level connections means you'd have to change the maps of the module.

August 25th, 2020, 01:28
While I have not completed my run through of this adventure, I would definitely recommend Odyssey of the Dragonlords.
It is truly epic in scope and will take your players from levels 1-20. It is a tremendous setting with a unique history and backstory, with very interesting NPCs, cities and dungeons, monsters and magic items. There are a number of unique options for your PCs, including epic paths, class archetype options and races. The art and maps are fantastic. All of which has been converted for use with FG. Some really top-notch talent involved, including James Ohlen the lead designer of Baldur's Gate, Dragon Age: Origins, and Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic.
If you'd like you can take a look at the free players guide to get some further insights.
Or directly at the publishers site,

Good luck with your hunt.