View Full Version : Shared Notes and Party Loot

August 23rd, 2020, 00:37
So I noticed that in the notes section, notes can only be edited by the GM and the creator of the note. So if I as the GM share or make public a note I created, no one else can edit that note, likewise if players create a note, no other players can edit that except them, even if they make it public. Is there a setting somewhere to change this? Or something I'm missing?

Mostly I want to know to have a party loot note, as there doesnt really seem to be another easy way of having a party loot that I know of.

August 23rd, 2020, 00:42
You are correct as far as notes go. Only the creator of a note can edit it and the only thing players can create are notes.

Party loot is in the party sheet. Or am I misunderstanding what you mean by party loot.

August 23rd, 2020, 00:48
Well, this could be just me not understanding how the part sheet works, but they cant see or control the party loot in the party sheet right? By party loot I mean like, a communal storage the party shares, where they leave items they dont want to keep on them but can take from and put items into. Like squirts, or carts or a bag of holding or something.

August 23rd, 2020, 01:00
There are two options in options that you can turn on which allows the players to see two of the tabs in the party sheet. By default those are not visible to players. By turning those on the players will see what the DM can see and can interact with it. They can drag things into and out of party loot. The only things they can’t do is sell items and distribute items and gold.

August 23rd, 2020, 01:09
Ah, is that option the "Show Inventory to Clients" option? If that is toggled on, what can they do exactly? If I place down two items into that party loot, can a player grab that item and place it into their inventory and then put it back later? I'll be honest, its always a guess as to what the options do, they arent always intuitively named.

August 23rd, 2020, 09:42
Yes, that's what it does and yes the players can interact with it in the way you describe.

More on options here https://fantasygroundsunity.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/FGU/pages/786723/5E+Campaign+Options

August 25th, 2020, 12:56
You might also want to look at adding this