View Full Version : How Many SW Players Can FG Support Before It Breaks Down?

August 20th, 2020, 05:43
I assume that there's a practical limit on how many players you can have on a single Fantasy Game campaign. Does anyone know what that limit might be? We noticed some technical problems with 7 and 8, but I don't know how much of that is the app and how much is my computer. How many characters have you run for in a single Fantasy Grounds campaign session? Thanks in advance.

August 20th, 2020, 06:28
I've run a game without problems for 10 players

August 20th, 2020, 15:08
Wow! Any particular challenges you've run into with that many players?

August 20th, 2020, 15:16
I don't think there is any technical limit to the number of players that can connect to a game. I've been in games with more than a dozen people before. The real problems are the same ones you'd have with an in person group. The more players, the less spotlight time any individual PC has. During combats, the more players, the less frequently you get to take a turn. Whereas you might have to deal with players at a physical table spending too much time on their phones, the fact that players can easily surf the 'net, watch TV, play video games, etc. may compound these problems since players may be more likely to "ahem" multi-task the more players there are rather than pay attention to what's going on in your game. The other issue is that the more people in a game, the more likely someone will have technical issues. These aren't issues with FG itself, but bandwidth issues, computer crashes, etc. (possibly caused by something else they were doing in between turns) that cause people to have to disconnect and rejoin, which can be disruptive. Personally, I've found 5 to be the sweet spot for me when running games, but that goes for IRL as well as FG.

August 21st, 2020, 00:12
Wow! Any particular challenges you've run into with that many players?

Just that making sure everyone gets a say and even SW slows down at 18 people.

That said I've played in a party of 15 at Gen Con in 2010, it was a Shaintar game.

Found the "proof" that FG handled it, this was back in 2010 so even older version of FG and SW ruleset.
