View Full Version : db.backup and db.ession files

August 19th, 2020, 21:56
How many of the db.backup and db.session files do you need to keep in your campaign folder?

I am looking to see if there are items in the campaign folder that I can clean up and if any of the additional files add to the memory usage of my campaign (FG Classic) as my game is running at 1.8GB of memory when i spin it up (I do have a lot of extensions running for different things like many of Rob's extensions and the Critically Awesome ones.

August 19th, 2020, 22:10
Db, session and db.backup files have zero impact on the memory FG uses whilst it is running.

You can delete older session files if you like but those are the back up files for your campaign and if things ever go wrong you might very well need them.

Open modules, extensions, tokens and especially images are what eats memory whilst FG is running.

August 20th, 2020, 15:07
Thanks. That is what I figured but thought i would ask anyway. Always seems like a good idea to go back and do some cleanup of the old files when possible.


Moon Wizard
August 21st, 2020, 19:25
Every once in a while, I actually delete all backups other than the ones for the last couple weeks. I really need to add some cleanup of those files for long running campaigns.
